Even light meat eaters were at risk of not only heartr disease but also of cancer.
In the study, experts identified a group of cells, known as hD2R neurons, that become active whenever a mouse was fed.
Thanks to two genetic mutations, the woman from northern Scotland also experiences very little anxiety and fear.
Financial fraud takes many forms and it can largely be defined as the intentional act of deceiving an individual, with respect to financial transactions, for the personal gain of the deceiver. Some financial frauds involve complicated schemes while others simply rely on identity theft or stealing information off a credit card during a regular ATM withdrawal. Avoiding some of the most common types of financial frauds requires a certain degree of skepticism to “get-rich-quick deals” or sharing personal and bank...
Findings in apex predators act as warning to humans of danger blooms present to health
Hormones to prevent pregnancy could be applied to jewellery such as earring backs or watches according to a new study.
The new technique uses short-wave pulses to briefly open the brain's protective membrane to let drugs in
It had been thought the bugs hitched a ride on people or animals but the "air bridge" hypothesis could shed light on how harmful bacteria share antibiotic resistance genes.
We all want what’s best for our kids, but it’s not always easy to inspire them. Cast your mind back to when you were their age and you’ll no doubt remember living in a world of fantasy, where thoughts of decades to come never entered your mind. There’s something uniquely magical and fantastical about childhood - a time when the only thing you need to be anything you want to be is your imagination. Nevertheless, psychologists also suggest that this...
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