As we are facing increasing amount of data going through media area, it becomes important for advertisers to understand how to use the opportunity they were lucky to get as much as possible. Traditional advertising, as any other approach, has its pros and cons. One should understand that it is quite expensive as a certain part goes for commission services for the networks. Also, inclusion of human factor shows that mistakes and miscalculations are more than just possible. RTB has...
It gave them the thinking power of someone in their 50s - through just five 20 minute sessions, say scientists.
It is a protein that fuels the tumour - offering hope of a drug that stops it in its tracks, say scientists.
Whilst much of our business activity is now conducted over the internet, as of yet, there is nothing that can quite match the benefits that come from physical, and actual, networking. It’s one of the oldest and most reliable ways to build working relationships and for all its perks, it’s something that the internet doesn’t yet offer. In a classic conference or event situation, you’re bound to meet many new faces and it would be almost impossible to make a...
Dr Shaoboo Zhou has called on the government to bring in legislation to curb giant eggs
Sam Cohen, 41, has used a cup to funnel wee into his nostrils every time he goes to the loo for the last 19 years, and says he has never had a cold.
Brits don't know their a*se from their elbow, new research has found. A detailed study has revealed most people are clueless about the make up of our body, with one in four admitting they didn't know the thigh bone is called the femur. Even fewer, just 37 per cent, correctly identified the two bones in the lower arm as the radius and the ulna. It also emerged almost one in twenty wrongly believe the large leg bone is called the...
The most damaging is the idea you can get by on five or fewer hours of shut-eye a night.
China’s economy has experienced an astronomical boom over the past decade. Its contribution to the global economy is at its highest point ever. According to the last quarter reports on the Chinese economy, it has recorded its highest growth rate average in the last 30 years, and it is now the second largest economy in the world. It is safe to assume there is a growing opportunity for foreign companies to expand their business in China. But to create a... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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