
Video Production: Building Your Business Brand

A recent survey revealed that 86% of marketing professionals polled currently use video marketing as part of their promotional strategy. In that same poll, 78% reported that video marketing directly impacted sales. There are several reasons why video production could be key to your brand’s success. 

Improves Traffic

Video content is currently responsible for more than 60% of internet traffic. As such, if you are not utilising this service, then you are missing out on a fantastic opportunity to reach new clients. If your website does have video content, then it is more likely to get an increased level of traffic. Extra traffic will always result in additional revenue. Particularly, if your videos reach the right level of quality that customers expect. It’s also worth noting that a video is more likely to be shared compared to an image or link, leading to even more gains in traffic and reach. 

Suitable For A Mobile Audience

In the past, the majority of traffic was derived from laptops and computers. Today, customers are more likely to visit your website and explore your brand from a mobile device. This could include tablets, smartphones or a wide assortment of other smart devices. The good news is that video content is perfect for a mobile audience. You can create short videos that hit the target and ensure that you can convey a clear message. At the same time, you can guarantee that your business marketing feels more immersive and exciting. 

A Clear CTA

If you want customers to take the next step you need to provide a clear call to action. CTAs can be through text or images. However, video production provides you with the opportunity to create a clear CTA that is difficult to ignore. This can be a fundamental aspect of a motivational marketing strategy and will boost the chances that viewers do decide to take the next step. This is also useful if the steps that you need your customers to take are more complex than simply clicking a link or visiting a page. 

Show Who You Are

Customers always have various businesses that they can explore when they are interested in purchasing a product or service. This is true regardless of what industry or sector your business is a part of. That’s why you need to ensure that your company stands out with a strong brand identity. A brand video production agency can help you achieve this by demonstrating:

  • Who you are
  • Your mission
  • Your unique selling points

This can all be part of the right video package. It can be shared across social media or designed as a welcome video for your website when users first click on the page. 

We hope this helps you understand why video production should be part of your brand strategy. You just need to make sure that you are choosing the right company that can deliver the quality content you need. 

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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