
Starting a Business with Little Funds? These 8 Services Can Help You Launch Without Breaking The Bank

However, one area where many startups struggle is with funding. Building a brand from scratch can take a lot of time, effort, and money, which is why so many small businesses have difficulty getting traction.

Fortunately, we’re in the golden age of technology, and the phrase “there’s an app for that.” There are tons of resources and programs out there that can help you get your business off the ground. Best of all, these sites can help with every aspect of your new company, from developing the idea to marketing it and securing investors.

While many different apps and websites are available, we’ve compiled a list of the top eight. These options will help you launch faster and build an audience as quickly as possible. From there, the sky’s the limit. Let’s check out these sites and what they have to offer.


Typically, entrepreneurs start a new company with little more than an idea. However, if you’re going to get off the ground and build a substantial audience, you need to stay organized. BPlans can help you craft a well-polished business plan, even without experience. This site is a wealth of information that can turn you from a newbie to an expert after a few hours of scrolling through content.

BPlans also offers various templates you can follow to ensure your plan stays on track from start to finish. With so many tools at your disposal, there is no reason not to be well organized once you launch. Also, having a polished plan makes you look good to investors and loan officers.

Why You Need BPlans – Crafting a business plan from scratch can be daunting if you don’t know what you’re doing. BPlans helps you stay organized and ensure you’re ready to meet with investors. Even if you’re not trying to secure funding, a polished business plan helps you with everything from merchant account loans to credit card applications.

Pricing – Free Tools and Information

Tailor Brands

Once your business plan is ready to go, the next step is establishing your business entity. While multiple options are available (i.e., sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation), an LLC is often the best. Individuals and partners can form an LLC quickly and efficiently, no matter their state. In most cases, an entrepreneur can create a new company in just a few minutes.

Tailor Brands offer LLC formation services to ensure you get all your information correct and accurate. They can also help you get an employer ID number (EIN), so you can start hiring employees as soon as possible.

Once your new business is officially established, Tailor Brands goes a step further and offers various branding tools. One of the most potent tools is an AI logo maker. If you don’t have a polished logo yet, this program can help you develop one immediately. Best of all, you can run your ideas through the generator as many times as you want before paying for a finished piece.

Why You Need Tailor Brands – Forming an LLC allows you to make your business legitimate. Also, branding is essential for marketing and sales to help differentiate your company from the competition.

Pricing – $9.99 Basic, $19.99 Standard, $49.99 Premium

SBA Learning Platform

The Small Business Administration is one of the most valuable resources for new companies and startups. The Learning Platform can help you navigate the various challenges and setbacks your new business may face on the road to launch. You can learn about loan programs, business plan tips, and even calculate your startup costs.

If you’re trying to secure funding for your business, SBA loans can be an excellent choice. While the Administration doesn’t underwrite loans itself, it agrees to pay off a loan if you default. This security allows lenders to take higher risks with your business, helping you get approval faster.

Why You Need the SBA Learning Platform – Whether you’re trying to get an SBA loan or not, this website is a treasure trove of information. While BPlans focuses on business planning, the SBA covers everything from accounting to funding to operations.

Pricing – All information is free, and it doesn’t cost anything to apply for an SBA loan.

Wave Accounting

Managing your business’ cash flow can be pretty tricky if you’re not an accountant. Unfortunately, as a new startup, you likely don’t have the cash to pay a professional to manage your books. Thankfully, Wave Accounting makes it easy to track expenses and earnings, so you can tell if your new company is making a profit or not. Best of all, this is a free tool that doesn’t require any upfront payments or long-term subscriptions. Also, even if you’re not savvy with numbers, the software is easy enough to learn that virtually anyone could do it.

Why You Need Wave Accounting – Setting up your accounting practices correctly is crucial for ensuring long-term success. If you wait until after your business is up and running, you’ll make a lot more work for yourself later on.

Pricing – Wave Accounting is free to use, but there are some paid services like payment processing, payroll services, and accounting advisors.


While SBA loans are helpful and can be worth quite a bit of money, you may not qualify for them. In that case, you should use a funding platform like Fundera. Interestingly, this site also allows you to access SBA loans, bringing the money full circle.

There are several options to choose from when securing funding. First, you can get a business loan through a traditional lender. Second, you can apply for an SBA loan. However, if you’ve already done that through the SBA learning portal, you must wait until you’re eligible again. Fundera also allows you to tap into payroll processing services and credit card accounts. Basically, if it’s finance-related, Fundera offers it.

Why You Need Fundera – The financial side of things is crucial for ensuring that your business stays afloat. We appreciate the various funding options and the amount of free information available through the site.

Pricing – It’s free to learn about different funding options and to meet with a funding expert through the site. You can pay for various services once you set up an account.


Once you get your company off the ground, you need to market yourself if you’re going to stay ahead of the competition. While you could hire a graphic designer to handle your marketing materials, Canva empowers you to do it all yourself. This online tool is perfect for crafting flyers, banner ads, print materials, and even social media posts.

What we like most about Canva is that it caters to less design-savvy individuals. So, even if you’ve never created anything before, you should be able to handle essential marketing elements like a champ.

Why You Need Canva – You can save a bundle by using this tool for marketing materials instead of hiring someone. When it comes to marketing, Canva is crucial.

Pricing – The basic program is free, but you can upgrade to a Pro membership for $10 per month when billed upfront.


Marketing involves various channels and strategies working together to build a stronger brand presence, both online and in real life. One of the most reliable marketing methods is email, which can help you connect with your audience better than other options. MailChimp makes it easy to build subscriber lists and engage with them regularly without spending a fortune.

While MailChimp focuses on email marketing, you can also create landing pages and website elements to enhance your business. The site also allows you to create an e-commerce store from your account, allowing you to establish multiple revenue streams. If you’re unfamiliar with email marketing, you can access the site’s blog to find out how to go from 0 to 100 in less time than you might think.

Why You Need MailChimp – Email marketing is one of the most rewarding options for businesses of all sizes. As your brand grows, you can upgrade your account accordingly, making it super easy to start.

Pricing – The site offers a free plan, then an essentials package for $11 per month. If you need premium features, you’ll wind up paying up to $299 monthly.


As your business grows, you’ll likely have to hire employees to keep everything running smoothly. As you add more people to your roster, you need to figure out how to pay them. Gusto is affordable payroll software that works perfectly for startups and small businesses. Even if you’ve never had employees before, Gusto makes it easy to set up your back-of-house system, so there are no issues. Remember, payroll processing comes with some strict legal obligations, so you can’t afford to cut corners.

Why You Need Gusto – If you’re planning on hiring employees, you must stay compliant. Gusto is easy to use and affordable.

Pricing: A simple plan is just $40 per month, or you can upgrade to the Plus Plan for $80.

As you can see, starting and running a successful business doesn’t require a fortune. With these tools at your disposal, you’re sure to get some traction and see how far your brand can take you!

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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