Billionaire media mogul Alki David has announced that mobile use in the UK will be "revolutionised" in 2019 with huge investment and a mass convergence to live television viewing on handheld devices.The Coca-Cola bottling heir told the London Economic that upgraded 4G networks alongside alongside record tech investment means that live TV streaming will replace music and podcasts as the dominant trend.Next year 80% of the world's entire internet traffic will be video according to Cisco research."I've invested millions in...
In most businesses the vertical management structure is commonplace. In fact, it’s so common we rarely question it. But do those at the top of this ladder realise how employees at the bottom really feel and how this can affect the business? The role of staff in a vertical hierarchy means people tend to work in narrow and tedious roles. They understand there is very little chance of climbing a career ladder;rather opportunities only arise when somebody leaves or gets...
2018 was a year of big changes in terms of website cookie alerts. In the past many websites had some sort of throwaway popup letting a visitor know that their cookies would be collected in order for the website to work – this was a matter of course. Today, you are more likely to find a large disclaimer, with the option to read further about how the website will use your data and exactly what they will store when they...
As an office manager, it is your job to keep the office going as proficiently as is possible. Although, when you put together a group of people with many different personalities, various pieces of office equipment and software tools, and a huge list of distractions, office management can become a bit difficult. It is imperative that you do not let any of this chaos distract you. It should even be motivation to get and keep your office in shape! Communication... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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