New business regulations come into play all the time, and after a while, keeping up with the changes in legal requirements can start to feel like a job in itself. However, failing to adhere to these ever-evolving rules can quickly land you and your business in hot water. To help you stay on the right side of the law, we’ve pulled together five of the most important things to consider. 1. Filing your company’s confirmation statement A confirmation statement is...
Your student days are officially over and you’ve successfully earned your degree, but what do you do now? Even if you’ve been thinking about potential jobs for some time, it’s common to still feel some uncertainty, and these feelings may be even more heightened if you’re an arts graduate. Graduates holding degrees in subjects like Medicine, Law and Astrophysics will typically follow career paths closely related to their studies, but the same can’t necessarily be said if you read English...
With the festive period now in full swing, London is full of Christmas cheer, with everyone flocking to packed shops, pubs and restaurants to celebrate the season. Life is set to be more hectic until the New Year rolls around, and no one knows that better than taxi drivers. With a constant stream of dinners, parties and one-off yuletide events, there will be scores of people in need of a lift. And whether you’ve been a taxi driver for years,...
One of the biggest recent shifts in corporate culture is the rise of remote working—otherwise known as telecommuting. “Clocking in” is now, for many, a figurative phrase, as technology enables more people to avoid the commute, and work from home instead. Research from IWG shows that 70% of people around the world work remotely at least once a week, with others predicting this practice will rival traditional offices by 2025. This way of working has numerous benefits, such as greater...
A single interruption, whether it’s a question that could have been saved until the end or a person just repeating your own idea to you in different words, can derail a meeting you’ve spent ages preparing for.
Only a third of 1,000 small to medium-sized enterprises surveyed said they had seen the Government’s Brexit ad campaign for businesses.
UK small business exporters are the unsung heroes of trade deficit figures
James Richman, the wealthy fund manager for his fellow ultra high net worth (UHNWI), has been one of the fastest growing superstars in the finance industry. For someone relatively young, the reclusive investment tycoon is known to have successfully steered his private investment firm to a decade-long streak of profit returns for his clients. With only a few far down months in between, the billionaire understands the importance of risk management and asset allocation to best protect his and his...
This year’s edition of the Harvard Business Review’s ranking of “best-performing CEOs” is most notable for who’s not featured. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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