The ability to stay in touch with your customers and clients is one of the much needed options in any business.We take a look at how VoIP can help your business.
It is important that a business is showing customers what they are doing in terms of corporate responsibility and, often, philanthropy is the best way to make a difference.
Of all the industries to be affected by the global coronavirus crisis, perhaps the worst hit has been the travel sector. With around half of the world’s population living under some form of social distancing measures, many of which are full lockdowns, the industry has all but ground to a halt as people are forced to stay in their homes. In fact, around 93% of the world’s population is living in a country where cross-border travel restrictions prevent anybody from...
Over the last few years, the use of GPS (Global Positioning System) technology is on the rise. This revolutionary technology is installed in cars, mobile phones, and computers. It has been proven by security experts that GPS tracking systems offer the best level of safety and protection for family members, vehicles and assets. Tracking devices are essential in preventing vehicle theft and GPS-based management systems are known to increase productivity in the business industry. In this article, we will tell...
Out of all the industries out there, modern-day millionaires seem to be coming from the Internet more than anywhere else. It has been capitalised on by people from all facets of life, not just the wealthy. These people have amassed great wealth by developing useful services, products, and software. Without question, the world has been changed by technology. It is the biggest force that has stimulated the incredible globalisation we have undergone and without a doubt our lives have been...
Jon Sharpe takes inspiration from leading designers from around the world and looks at how they choose to design their workspaces.
If you've been using an old, outdated content strategy, you’ve been doing the same thing for years, now is the time to change, in particular when it comes to dropshipping products.
Most leaders know that delivering serious, emotionally loaded and important messages is simply part of the job. And the fact is, during times of crisis – like now - it’s vital for us to deliver those messages carefully, compassionately, with empathy and, if possible, in person.
One of the more insidious methods Iran has used to repress the Iraqi people has been the systematic choking of their economy. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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