London is not an affordable city by any means, and young professionals want to make the most of their income. By choosing to relocate to a city away from London such as Greater Manchester, younger people can stretch their budgets further with lower living costs
Born in Villeurbanne in France on January 10, 1981, Julien Machot was different from his fellow classmates. Despite his early education in conservative schools in France, Machot was one of the few who stood out with unconventional thoughts and wanted to hustle from his early days.
In any business environment, brand loyalty plays a very important role. It does not only affect your purchasing decisions but also influences the decisions of a wider social circle you interact with. We take a closer look at how one company is achieving this.
Animals need to feel at ease, as this reduces their stress levels and ensures a pleasant environment.
The jump from professional to manager can be tough, and it’s where many companies initially fail.
Done right, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) to the Philippines can be a game changer. Outsourcing business processes can save money, and for a long time that was the main motivation behind outsourcing decisions, but the real advantages come from the benefits provided by using specialist providers who can focus on customer support, leaving the business to focus on its core competencies.
As the world becomes more environmentally focused, Nickel mining giants Norilsk Nickel are to offer carbon neutral. We take a closer look at the news.
As a freelancer it can be difficult to understand what type of insurance you need. We take a closer look at what insurance is available.
Today’s business world is crowded with competing voices clamouring for attention. In such a noisy environment, it can be extremely challenging to make yourself stand out as a leader in your industry. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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