Brexit transition: how to prepare for changes to goods in transit

The UK has made its well-documented - and long-awaited - exit from the EU, but what does this mean for businesses that deliver goods between the UK and the EU? Right now, not a whole lot. That's because we're in a "transition period" where the old rules continue to apply. However, as the purpose of this transition period is to enable the UK and EU to negotiate new arrangements, you need to know how to best prepare your company for...

Is celebrity influencer marketing damaging their PR?

Two years after Fyre Festival fell apart in unbelievable fashion, the story was brought back into public consciousness thanks to two separate documentaries in 2019. Viewers watched in horror as the filmmakers revealed exactly how a festival billed as a luxurious VIP experience with top musical talent and stunning supermodels turned out to be one of pop culture’s most colossal scams. But aside from the shock at seeing ticketholders forced to sleep in disaster relief tents with only cheese sandwiches...

Are Political Debates Good for Business?

If you run a business, then you will know more than anyone how important it is to make sure that everyone is happy and supported. If you don’t then you may end up with tension on your hands and this is the last thing that you need. Sometimes, office conversations tend to revolve around various subjects, politics being one of them. A lot of business owners are often faced with the dilemma, should they quell these kinds of conversations? Or...

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