
Leveraging UGC in 2024: Trends, Insights and Examples

This means that the content is genuine, it’s authentic, and it’s from the opinion of a real user and not someone who has been paid to talk about a product. UGC is often shared by individuals on social media or on blog posts. They do it not to help with a company’s marketing efforts, but just to share their experiences, open a dialogue, or even to warn others about a shady product.

Unlike traditional marketing content, UGC comes directly from users, and it reflects their genuine experiences. This kind of authenticity resonates with customers; it’s the type of content that they trust and will use to inform their own purchasing decisions. So, while a business can’t really influence UGC outside of simply making a better product and offering exceptional customer service, there are still ways to leverage UGC and make it more powerful.

UGC As Social Proof

Social proof refers to the actions, opinions, and behaviours of others that directly influence us. For example, you might see a testimonial about a product on social media, or you could watch a video and notice a certain product or piece of software being used by the creator. This type of UGC is genuine–it’s content that is authentic and can be trusted, which is why UGC is such a great form of social proof.

Considering that influencers are legally obligated to disclose paid sponsorships and advertisements, it’s fairly easy to spot when someone is receiving money to talk about something. This has led to a lot of distrust from consumers towards influencers, which is why people are more likely to engage with UGC as opposed to sponsored content.

By leveraging social proof, companies can show their audience that they don’t need to pay for someone to say good things about their products and services–people are already doing it for free.

UGC as Word-Of-Mouth Marketing

UGC is a powerful form of word-of-mouth marketing that embraces authentic customer experiences. Thanks to the accessibility of social media platforms, it’s easy for users to share their experiences either in text or with videos. Clever marketers have taken advantage of this by encouraging users to post videos and content that is tagged with special keywords.

The hashtag has become synonymous with social media, serving as an identifier that people can search if they want to find related content–and it often leads right back to brands that have purposely created trends that engage users.

For example, Starbucks used the #WhiteCupContest hashtag back in 2014 to encourage users to doodle on their white coffee cups and enter their designs for a prize. This was a smart marketing campaign that piqued people’s creativity, and got them to share Starbucks cups on social media, and the hashtag became very popular among people in the art community and Starbucks fans. It was also just a fun challenge that got a lot of people interested across multiple social media platforms.

These types of user-focused marketing campaigns will always be popular because they all have the potential to go viral just like Starbucks did. It’s the perfect kind of word-of-mouth marketing campaign because it encourages people to get involved, and there’s almost always a brand logo or name in the photographs that people share. It’s a great way to get people talking about a brand, and it even managed to inspire creativity.

Leveraging UGC in 2024

UGC will always be a powerful marketing tool, but it’s difficult to find opportunities to utilise it. However, by working with a social media agency in London, you can discover lots of unique marketing campaign ideas that will encourage engagement and amplify your brand’s presence across various platforms.

Social media agencies will help you identify UGC opportunities, craft compelling storylines, and leverage the latest trends to ensure your brand remains in the public eye. Given how competitive the digital landscape is, standing out on the internet takes a lot of knowledge and a willingness to capitalise on trends. To do this effectively, it’s vital that you equip yourself with the knowledge, tools, and experts that can maximise the impact of UGC to drive engagement, foster an active community, and ultimately improve your marketing efforts.

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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