
Influencers and Their Impact on the Financial Markets

The past two years have been a boom in the social media sector, considering the lockdown multitudes people had to deal with during the COVID global pandemic. The younger generations contribute significantly to the success of social media platforms today. Furthermore, they have established that not only celebrities can garner the attention of the global population.

While famous names like Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey still have a significant following on social media, so do the upcoming creative content creators. Facebook still stands as the most used social media platform globally. The site has over 3 billion users, making up for half of the global population. Notwithstanding, upcoming platforms like Tiktok make up a part of the mainstream platforms on the Internet today. 

However, how does this factor influence the financial markets? Considering that cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are an upcoming potential to disrupt the global economic sector, social media platforms play a significant role in spreading the word. Additionally, decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a buzz in the current world.

This article will give you insights into how financial social media content creators influence the markets and how NAGA is a pusher for this progress. Stay tuned to learn more!

Younger Generation in the Financial World

It is undeniable the younger generations have more exposure to what the financial space entails. Generation Z, as is the name used to refer to the latest generation, study most of the incidents happening in the global community through the Internet. 

As such, crypto and blockchain have more to derive from this situation. While traditional finance enthusiasts state digital assets as a scam and unnecessary risk, the newer generations are making the best out of it. Such a situation is clearly visible in the Gamestop saga that led to younger investors taking the reigns to blow its stocks up.

As such, Wall Street underwent a critical loss besides the already plunging traditional stocks. In a way, this event led to the sector’s openness to the essentiality of crypto to the financial markets. Crypto stands as a cushion against fiat currency inflation, which was visible during the economic depression that the global pandemic imposed on the financial world.

Currently, countries in South America use crypto as an alternative for their broken financial situations. El Salvador is a vital example of how much crypto is progressing in the region today. Not only does the sector offer instantaneous payment options and low costs, but also privacy and passive income-earning opportunities for all. 

The rising number of investors leveraging social media platforms like Twitter is endless. The crypto world can attest to this situation following Elon Musk’s influence on the digital world. So far, we have seen coins rise or drop in value due to a single tweet from the SpaceX CEO

Nonetheless, efficient trading is still an issue in the forex and stocks market. It gets worse with the volatility that crypto brings along. NAGA focuses on making a more comfortable platform for pros and newbies to leverage.

NAGA Influencing Investment Options for Newbies

Copy trading is an upcoming way to avoid unnecessary risks in the volatile crypto market. NAGA stands as a pathway for more financial freedom for all generations. Recently, the platform collaborated with Flo Pharell, a famous Youtuber. He boasts over 70 000 YouTube and approximately 40 000 Instagram followers.

While most expect that the social media influencer would have little insight on how he goes by, he proved them wrong. The influencer shares his stories on how he manages the market, creating more awareness for its users.

NAGA also believes in copy trading as a way to progress the crypto sector. A point to note is the various commodities that the platform encourages, including stocks, metals, crypto, blockchain, hedge funds, and forex, to mention but a few.

On NAGA, you have the chance to be a follower or gather an investor following. Its payment options are something that investors can look forward to, including the Mastercard option. 

Copy Trading as the Future of Finance

Copy-trading allows new investors to buy into the skills of skilled traders and learn. Leveraging over 1000 markets on its platform offers investors a new outlook on the financial industry. Furthermore, its use of blockchain technology is a way to curb security issues in the traditional finance space while encouraging anonymity.

Its partnership with a notable social media influencer is a step towards encouraging more of the younger generations to leverage the crypto industry. With over 13 000 coins in the industry today, everyone has an option on what to invest in, from the king coin (Bitcoin) to the newest coins coming up. 

Lastly, it is crucial to accept the essence of social media and young investors in the progress and mass adoption that crypto and blockchain need in today’s world. Make sure to follow NAGA to get more information on how to circumnavigate the financial industry today!

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