Categories: Lifestyle

Men Value Bromance over Romance

By Nathan Lee, TLE Correspondent 

New research has found men value bromance over romance, with one in six men admitting they don’t consider their partner to be their ‘best friend’.

Despite agreeing to spend the rest of their lives with this one special person, many men would prefer to turn to their mates for advice, companionship, and a good old gossip over drinks after a long day at work. A third of blokes admit their partner simply doesn’t share the same interests and hobbies as them, while a further quarter claim their spouse never listens.

The study shows that in addition to their partner, the average male feels the need for at least three best mates with whom they want to share important parts of their life with.

Carrianne Sutton, Brand Manager for Grants Whisky, which conducted the study of 1,000 British men said: “Men need men, it’s as simple as that.

“Unlike a relationship with your significant other, the lack of intimacy in a Bro-mance means there are no barriers. They don’t need to be wary of what they’re saying and how they’re acting.  With blokes, anything goes. You can share a drink and have banter, knowing that whatever you say, it won’t get taken out of context.  In fact a lot of partners could learn a lot from their man’s Bro-mance!”

The study shows a third of men want to spend quality time with their mates at least twice a week, and a further 31 per cent said that if they were going on a weekend away they would want to go with their best buddies rather than their partner.

The ideal ‘brother’ will be able to make their friends belly-laugh even when they’re feeling absolutely terrible , while four in 10 want a mate who knows what to say when they’re having a bad day.

And when it comes to rating their bro-mance with their mates, seven in 10 say the most important quality for these male friendships is total honesty. Half of all men polled claim the perfect friends will always be there for them whatever the hour, and this includes a knock at the door at 3am.

Here’s the top 10 reasons why blokes value their bromance over their romance:

  1. Blokes are totally honest, regardless of feelings
  2. They are always there for you, even at 3am in the morning
  3. Mates have the ability to make you laugh even when you feel terrible
  4. They don’t judge you, whatever your behaviour
  5. They’ll stick up for you whenever you need it, even if you’re in the wrong
  6. They know what to say to you when you’re feeling really down
  7. They enjoy trivial meaningless conversations about absolutely nothing
  8. They are always on your side, even if you’re behaving badly
  9. They always see the best in you, when perhaps no-one else can
  10. They share all your hobbies and interests
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