
Irony of Telegraph journalist decrying Tory’s tough new immigration policy not lost on anyone

Tough new measures to crack down on migration have caused a stir amongst the British public, with even some of the government’s biggest backers arguing they could have gone too far.

Rishi Sunak has declared “enough is enough” and that the time has come to “get control of immigration once and for all” as he steps up rhetoric ahead of the next election.

Home secretary James Cleverly outlined the Government’s five-point plan to tackle rising net migration on Monday, which would top health and care workers bringing dependants and increase the skilled worker earnings threshold to £38,700, which would also be the minimum income for family visas.

The proposals would also prevent shortage occupations from paying 20 per cent less and ensure the Migration Advisory Committee reviews the graduate immigration route to prevent abuse.

Responding to the minimum salary cap, Telegraph journalist Tim Stanley took to X (formerly Twitter), posting:

“A friend has just messaged in a blind panic to ask if James Cleverly’s immigration plan means he can’t bring his partner into the country.

“The Gov is doubling the salary required of a British subject to bring a spouse or dependent into the country – to £38,700.

“So, if you fall in love & marry someone from overseas, that’s the income you need to settle them here. It’s very high. Something like 75% of us earn less than that.”

Reaction to the post on social media was, shall we say, less than sympathetic:

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