Asthma attacks reduced in tree-lined urban neighbourhoods

People living in polluted urban areas are far less likely to be admitted to hospital with asthma when there are lots of trees in their neighbourhood, a study by the University of Exeter’s medical school has found. The study into the impact of urban greenery on asthma suggests that respiratory health can be improved by the expansion of tree cover in very polluted urban neighbourhoods. Published in the journal Environment International, the study looked at more than 650,000 serious asthma attacks over a 15 year period....

How can smokers successfully ditch their addiction to cigarettes in the New Year?

As we approach Christmas and the New Year, we are also coming up on the time which sees people all across the country making resolutions to better themselves in 2018, in one way or another. For the sake of their health, many thousands of those addicted to smoking are likely to resolve to ditch their habit, which is no small feat and requires a lot of willpower to be successful. Fortunately though there is plenty of help and guidance and...

Amazonian shamanic psychedelic brew is a safe psychiatric medicine to treat depression and alcoholism

An Amazonian shamanic psychedelic brew is a safe psychiatric medicine to treat depression and alcoholism, a British study suggested. Ayahuasca traditionally used by South American indigenous tribes was more effective in helping heavy drinkers tackle their addiction than LSD and magic mushrooms. The jungle tea made from a mixture of plants contains the hallucinogenic drug dimethyltryptamine, an illegal Class A drug known as DMT or Dimitri. Researchers from the University of Exeter and University College London found alcoholics were better...

Magazine ad featuring “unhealthily thin” model banned

An advert for a glossy travel magazine featuring an "unhealthily thin" model posing on a beach has been banned. The ad in Glamour magazine for Condé Nast Traveller was branded "socially irresponsible" by watchdogs. An investigation was launched when the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received a single complaint in June about the advert. The complainant said the model looked "unhealthily thin" and challenged whether the ad was socially irresponsible. Condé Nast Traveller bosses claimed the model was "naturally slim" and...

Revealed: The science behind the common cold

As the season of sniffles approaches, GP Dr Roger Henderson has revealed the sticky ins-and-outs of sneezing, wheezing and other symptoms of the common cold. Sneezing is your body’s way of removing irritants from your nose or throat and is a powerful, involuntary expulsion of air, which typically leaves the body at speeds topping 100mph, and contains as many as 40,000 droplets. Bacterial and viral infections which cause a cold are commonly spread with sneezing – the force of a sneeze...

What to do if a child suffers burns at a Fireworks event

Families up and down the country will be attending bonfire parties and fireworks events to celebrate Guy Fawkes night. Unfortunately the NHS annually reports increased incidences of children and adults suffering from serious burns. It's important to know what to do in the event of a burn, so please remind yourself and others of the NHS burns advice: Immediately get the person away from the heat source to stop the burning Cool the burn with cool or lukewarm running water for 20 minutes –...

What your teeth are telling you about your overall health

I think we’re all in agreement that tooth pain is one of the most frustrating pains that we can go through. But did you know that that pain or discomfort could actually be telling you more about your body than just a problem with your teeth? The mouth can be like a mirror for the state of your body, so while you’re looking for the best dentist London has to offer, or the closest emergency clinic, you should stop and...

Victim scarred by father in acid attack that killed her mum appealing for £35k for operation

An acid-attack victim horrifically scarred by her father in an assault that killed her mum is appealing for £35,000 to pay for operations to rebuild her face. Brave Shabbo Sheikh, 23, was disfigured when her face was drenched in acid after her father allegedly threw it on her mother, while the two-year-old was in her lap. Her mother died the next day but Shabbo miraculously survived - only to be abandoned at the hospital and left to grow up in...

These are the Activities Brits Would Miss if their Health Suddenly Declined

Socialising with family and friends, eating out and DRIVING have emerged among a list of activities we would miss most if we could no longer do them. Researchers who carried out a detailed study also found we would rue an inability to cook, play with the kids and exercise if our health were to go downhill. Working and, bizarrely, food shopping also made the list. The study also revealed as many as two fifths of Brits have never considered the...

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