As a leading cancer charity, working with us brings many business benefits including employee engagement and retention, mentoring opportunities and improved cancer awareness for employees. Many businesses are attracted to Macmillan because of the wide-ranging support we can offer their workforce through the challenges cancer can bring. We have decades of expertise in helping people living with cancer, and are an invaluable resource for employers who want to improve the support for their staff. As one in two people will...
Scientists have made the world's first 'healthy' alcoholic drink from tofu whey. The team used the tofu byproduct, which is often discarded, to create new drink Sachi, and have enriched it with healthy antioxidants isoflavones. Researchers took three months to concoct the brew, which began by making fresh soya milk from soybeans. The team at the National University of Singapore (NUS) then turned the milk into the tofu, collecting the whey, to which they added sugar, acid and yeast and...
Motivation can be hard at the best of times. In the darkest depths of winter, it can seem nigh on impossible. Here’s our guide to making it through to spring in great shape. Shorten your workouts This may seem counter-intuitive, but it could mean the difference between soldiering on through the spring or stopping altogether. Imagine yourself about to head out into the dark and the rain, now tell yourself you’ll be back in twenty minutes. Accomplishing the twenty-minute mark...
Garlic could ward off hospital superbugs, a new study revealed. Ajoene, an active sulphurous compound found in the pungent vegetable, when combined with antibiotics helps break down a bacteria's defences. Scientists hope the breakthrough could fight incurable cystic fibrosis and chronic wounds in diabetics as well as tackling MRSA and common hospital infection P. aeruginosa. University of Copenhagen researchers found ajoene destroys the biofilm of resistant bacteria and make antibiotics work again. It does not kill the bacteria but disrupts...
A man who suffered a stroke so severe he almost lost his ability to speak has won a prize after he turned to photography to help him recover. Richard Raynor, 36, was even able to give a speech at his wedding with the help of slides he had taken. The former business consultant from Chilton, Oxon., developed aphasia - a communication difficulty with speaking, reading and writing - after his stroke in 2012. His sensational snaps have now won him...
We’ve all been there. You’re laying in bed at 3.00 AM, staring at the ceiling and counting down the hours till you have to get up and function in the outside world. Struggling to get to sleep is frustrating at best, but it can even be damaging to our mental and physical health if it becomes a chronic issue. With this in mind, it’s no wonder many of us are seeking out solutions to this problem. But what if you’re...
There is something instinctual about dancing, an echo from our ancestors that calls to us like a forgotten song in early childhood. Dancing makes us feel ‘alive’. It can boost brain-power and allow us to overcome social anxieties, helping us form better social groups with workmates, family members, even complete strangers. And yet the health benefits of dancing remain under-represented and under-rated. As though it’s a practice restricted to either professionals on stage or, at the other extreme, to the...
Drinking coffee is "more likely to benefit health than to harm it" - with three or four cups a day conferring the biggest boost, according to a new study. Researchers brought together evidence from more than 200 studies and found that drinking three to four cups of coffee a day is associated with living longer and a lower risk of heart disease compared with drinking no coffee. Coffee drinking is also associated with lower risk of some cancers, diabetes, liver...
Frying food bad for your diet and lungs Having a fry up really is not only bad for your diet but also bad for your lungs because you breathe in tiny droplets of hot fat, a study found. As food is fried, water droplets "explode" not only spitting hot fat onto your skin but into the air forming dangerous indoor pollution. And chicken, other meat pumped with water or Chinese stir frys are the worst offenders. Scientists at Texas Tech... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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