Are you taking resveratrol supplement? Get to know the benefits

If you are aware of the health befits of red wine, then you also must know about resveratrol, the plant compound that can be found in red wine. This plant compound has a lot of health benefits and can boost the health of a person in unimaginable ways. From protecting brain function to lowering the blood pressure of a person, the plant compound can benefit in a number of ways. However, in contemporary times, people are going for resveratrol supplement...

Concerns over availability of ambulances after police rush man to hospital while performing CPR

Concerns about the availability of ambulances have been raised by police after a man was rushed to hospital by officers while they performed CPR. The Scottish Police Federation (SPF), which represents rank and file officers, said its members were increasingly being called on to respond to medical emergencies. The patient, who had overdosed, was taken to A&E in Greenock, Inverclyde, in the back of a police van. Officers took the decision after being told it would take paramedics 20 minutes to get to the incident, which...

Theresa May embroiled in growing row over NHS for sale in post Brexit US trade deal

Theresa May accused of giving Donald Trump "green light to get his hands on our NHS” PM refuses to answer questions days after Trump attacks Britain's NHS May in crunch talks with hardline Brexiteer Tories MP's demand assurances British hospitals not open for trade deal carve up Jeremy Hunt asked to confirm no greater access for US companies @BenGelblum  MP’s have renewed calls on Theresa May to rule out forced privatisation of the NHS in any post-Brexit US trade deal....

A partially-sighted man with a fear of dogs is to be given Britain’s first ever ‘guide horse’

A partially-sighted man with a fear of dogs is to be given Britain's first ever 'guide horse'. Mohammed Patel, 23, was this week introduced to Digby - an American Miniature horse - which will be trained to help him get around. The two-foot-high horse has been chosen to assist Mohammed because of his phobia of dogs. Digby will undergo a two year long training programme before he will become Mohammed's full-time helper. Eventually the little horse will be trained to...

Survey shows half of all London pupils feel sad or anxious every week

More than half of young Londoners aged 12 to 16 (51 per cent) feel sad or anxious at least once a week and three quarters (77 per cent) say school is one of their biggest causes of stress, a survey by Barnardo’s has found. The survey conducted by YouGov on behalf of the UK’s largest children’s charity Barnardo’s reveals what is troubling today’s children and how they can be better supported. As Children’s Mental Health Week launches today (Monday, 5...

“Schools need to be better equipped to help children with tinnitus” says teacher

Nicola McGarry, a school teacher from London, started suffering with tinnitus two years ago and her experience of the condition, combined with her job in a primary school, sparked an interest in how tinnitus impacts on younger people particularly in the school environment. Here, as part of Tinnitus Week, which the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) is marking by focusing on children and young people with the condition, Nicola tells her story of why she is getting involved. “Nearly two years...

Donald Trump effect saving “thousands of British lives” – here’s why

Brits are eschewing trips to the sun beds out of a fear they might end up looking like Donald Trump. A new poll has revealed 73 per cent of UK adults who have previously used, or considered using, a UV tanning bed would never do so again thanks to the ‘panda eyes’ and ‘orange hue’ sported by the American President. The research shows that Trump could have adversely reduced skin cancer risk in Britain by pushing us to adopt natural...

Krill could hold the key to a breakthrough cure for depression

The oceans may hold the key to a breakthrough cure for depression. Ground-breaking research has revealed low brain levels of an essential nutrient could be contributing to our mental health crisis. A study of blood samples from almost 3,000 people aged 18 to 65, showed sufferers of depression and anxiety have lower concentrations of compounds called omega-3 fatty acids, in their blood. These compounds are found in significant concentrations in the brain and contribute to healthy functioning and the maintenance...

Charity releases pictures of Britain’s fattest PETS – as it launches animal slimming competition

A charity has released pictures of Britain's fattest PETS - as it launches an animal slimming competition. The national contest is appealing to owners of massive cats, tortoises and dogs to help them lose weight. Its slimming competition so far includes a two stone Jack Russell who enjoys steak sandwiches and bacon baps. It also includes a 10kg cat named Elvis Presley - who's twice the size of a normal feline - and a two stone Maltese Shih Tzu. Vets...

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