Deaths from synthetic opioid, has risen more than sixfold in just seven years
Georgia Bryant, 28, was diagnosed with leukaemia and needs life-saving treatment
Scientists say consuming parvalbumim - a protein found in several fish species including cod - can be a "simple way" to halt the degenerative brain disease.
Despite being a common sight on streets across the world, confusion remains over the health dangers of electronic cigarettes. The latest State of Smoking survey – released in March this year – found that people in countries across the globe believe vaping to be more harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes. Even in developed countries such as the UK and France, at least 50 per cent of those asked believed electronic cigarettes were equally or more harmful than normal cigarettes. That...
A total of nine homes - all run by Sussex Health Care - are being investigated by police following serious concerns over the safety of patients.
Caran Dynan, 37, says her daughter Amy, 19, began suffering health problems a week after having the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine at school.
Brexit has left no part of the British economy untouched, and with a year to go before the tumultuous departure from the European Union, those in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors are among those who are worried. And if a so-called hard Brexit is going to strike anyone, it may well be these two critical industries that are so important for the health of the economy and the nation. For starters, the Brexodus is already well under way and the...
Men who munch lots of dairy had stronger spines and hips but women did not get the same protection
Mineral leaches into food and then lodges in people's digestive system altering the body's ability to absorb nutrients – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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