Scientists, who studied more than 5,000 children aged nine to 11-years-old over three years, found one in seven of the youngsters had suffered some hearing loss
Higher levels of vitamin D concentrations in the blood was "significantly associated" with lower bowel or colorectal cancer risk
Donna Finegan-White, 44, elected to undergo a double mastectomy to reduce her risk of breast cancer due to a family history of the disease.
Parents could be exposing premature babies to superbugs because they have bacteria on their skin that passes to the newborn, warns new research
Experiments on rats and flies show they actually rewire the brain, offering hope of better treatments for depression, addiction and PTSD
The 'regenerative bandage' quickly heals hard-to-treat sores - without the need of drugs
Thick honey coats the battery stopping it causing internal damage
Those with the learning disability were more than two and a half times as likely to suffer a food intolerance suggesting a link
20p levy in Sheffield leisure centres saw number of children reaching for sugary drinks plummet – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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