The cumulative effect of a lifetime of constant heavy drinking was linked to the the most common cancer in men in the UK
Scientists have boosted people's memory for the first time using a large coil placed against the scalp
Brave Alexander Duffin, 15, was snapped in his hospital bed getting a thank you kiss from poorly Emma, 11, who was battling a rare form of leukemia, moments after the extraction
Magnetic stimulation of the brain restores bladder function
Tot Maryam had eight four-hour operations to drain her head from the excess fluid
Biomaterial called peptide hydrogel designed to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and tissue in tooth that is "dead"
Stroke risk was 19 per cent lower in women who had breastfed for up to six months, according to a study
Women who drank in moderation on a regular basis were less likely to develop Britain's second biggest killer.
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