Boys in particular are less at risk of asthma if they steadily grow
Found in the rainforests of Brazil and Peru, the camu camu - a large berry that looks like an apple - is rich in nutrients
Amid all the pouts, glitter and motivational quotes that dominate our Instagram feeds, it’s easy to miss the tobacco advertising which is slyly slipping into the background. New research has shown the tobacco giants have a new favourite marketing trick: using Insta influencers as Trojan horses to infiltrate the youth market. The findings only reinforce the view that the industry will stop at nothing to maintain sales, despite its products’ rather unfortunate tendency to kill its customers. As the world’s...
A new interactive quiz has been launched after a poll of 2,000 Brits revealed 55 per cent of us are unsure what diseases and conditions we are immunised against. Despite a national vaccination programme that aims to protect all young people against a particularly deadly type of meningitis - meningococcal W meningitis and septicaemia (MenW), 76 per cent of 18-25 year olds surveyed were unaware of the disease. And only 22 per cent of people surveyed by know that teenagers...
Previous studies have shown that the powerful horse tranquiliser used as an illegal dance drug has a rapid, calming and antidepressant effect
Women at greater risk of stroke while men are at greater risk of heart attack
No amount of booze is good for your overall health, according to a new analysis of 2016 global alcohol consumption and disease risk. Alcohol was the leading risk factor for disease and premature death in men and women between the ages of 15 and 49 worldwide in 2016, accounting for nearly one in 10 deaths, according to the research. Globally, one in three people drink alcohol - the equivalent to 2.4 billion people. Alcohol is responsible for 2.8 million deaths...
The average cost of a funeral in the UK has more than doubled since 2004. If these current trends continue a funeral could soon cost more than £7,200 within the decade. With the cost of dying rising faster than the cost of living it's unfortunate for those on a tight budget. It’s getting more difficult to cover the cost of a traditional funeral. It’s hard to give an all-in-one definitive answer as to why funeral prices are rising faster than...
A survey of more than 1,000 GPs has found that two in five (40 per cent) said they were experiencing a mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder. The survey, carried out by Mind, found that despite the high prevalence of mental health problems among GPs, many didn’t feel able to turn to colleagues for support. Doctors said that they were much more likely to look for support with their mental health from friends... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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