It looks for biomarkers and hoped soon all children on spectrum will be diagnosed quickly
A protein found in the insect's poison dampens down inflammation, according to new research
A study of more than 46,000 older men found long-term smokers were 32 per cent more likely to develop vascular dementia than those who had given up
A new study suggests there is 'no evidence' widespread use of statins in healthy older people prevents heart disease and stroke
Researchers said their findings suggest that it's the amount, not the intensity, of physical activity performed that can help prevent heart failure later in life
Smile may be due to disability caused by muscle weakness caused by condition
On the back of the publication of the Green Paper, a major study by Mind emphasises need for Government to ensure mental health is at the heart of social housing policy A study by Mind, the mental health charity, has found that one in three (33 per cent) people with mental health problems living in social housing is dissatisfied with where they live. Social housing is provided by local authorities, housing associations or charities to people affected by issues such as...
A study of more than 107,000 women found no link between levels of physical activity and the age at which they became infertile
Researchers found fish oil supplements in the later stages of pregnancy are linked with a higher BMI in the first six years of life – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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