Antibodies are passed from mother to the child in the womb helping protect them in the first months of life before they too can be vaccinated.
Philip, from Hertfordshire, lost his wife to early-onset frontotemporal dementia (FTD) – a relatively rare form of dementia that commonly affects younger people. She was diagnosed at the age of 53, and passed away five years later in 2016. The diagnosis followed five years of anguish for the family, as her symptoms first began to manifest themselves in her late 40s, when her twin sons were just 13. This is their story... Many people think of dementia as a condition that affects the elderly...
I have had Crohn's almost my whole life, I was diagnosed at 4 after having a fistula operation. Being ill has been normal to me, as I have never known any different, but this is what has led to me being who I am today. I always did everything within my power to do what I wanted regardless of how hard it was or how ill I felt. For example, when not bedridden and going through phases of being well enough...
A survey undertaken by the Bone Cancer Research Trust (BCRT) has revealed a worrying delay in bone cancer patients receiving their diagnosis. The survey of 394 primary bone cancer patients, survivors and bereaved families showed that one in four patients (26%) had waited over seven months before receiving a diagnosis – with 13% waiting over a year. The data also revealed that a quarter of all patients (26%) made seven or more visits to their GP or other healthcare professional...
A photography exhibition created in partnership with Mental Health UK At Regent's Place in London.
New research released by the mental health anti-stigma campaign, Time to Change, reveals that when asked, over three quarters (78%) of us would tell friends and family we are ‘fine’, even if struggling with a mental health problem. When asked why, responses suggest we doubt whether people really want to hear the honest answer. The top concerns were: Just because people ask how you are, doesn’t mean they really want to know (54%) I don’t want to burden people (52%) I’d only...
High doses of the impotence drug can damage the retina - the light sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, according to a study
Astronauts travelling to Mars risk colon cancer and permanently losing the ability to absorb food due to long term exposure to cosmic radiation, warns new research
Three mutations linked to the condition have been identified by scientists – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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