Empathy is generally defined as the ability to sense or feel other people’s emotions as well as being able to imagine what someone else might be thinking. It is one of the most important competences of the emotional intelligence. Its real meaning, which is associated to its psychological therm, is even more important than the capacity of putting oneself in the place of another person. Being empathetic and “feeling the pain of others” has become part of our social modern...
Researchers found cannabis and tobacco are frequently featured in videos by top rappers
One in 25 vaccinations have even had to be postponed because of this fear
UK Government Home Secretary Sajid Javid confirmed that doctors in Wales, England and Scotland will be able to prescribe cannabis from November 1. Cannabis has been upgraded by the UK Government to a Schedule 2, allowing doctors on the specialist register of the General Medicine Council to prescribe it. Javid said via a statement: “I have been clear that my intention was always to ensure that patients have access to the most appropriate course of medical treatment.” “I stressed the importance...
Takeaways have been warned not to serve a morbidly obese man after doctors warned he was eating himself to death.
Flavourings in e-cigarettes harm the lungs by triggering inflammation, scientists have warned.
Researchers found young people in England aren't just drinking less alcohol, more of them are never taking up drinking at all
The first study of its kind discovered that high levels of fine particulate matter and to a lesser extent, ozone, may be key
A study found too much of the nutrient - found in oily fish, meat, dairy products and vegetables - weakens bones.
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