The health benefit was far greater for obese people however the diet had no significant effect on bowel or prostate cancers.
A study of almost 100 recently widowed people found those taking it worst had dramatic spikes in blood chemicals linked to the killer condition
The total financial cost of bullying within the NHS in England is £2.281 billion per year, according to a study
Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield, West Yorks., has implemented the system to deter smokers from standing directly under the windows of the maternity ward just metres from the front doors
Campaigners have written to the International Criminal Court in The Hague to provide it with evidence that they say they have compiled that toxic substances in passenger airplane cabins are damaging the health of air crew and passengers. The former flight staff say that they are submitting scientific evidence and testimonies of hundreds of people whose health has suffered to the court in the Hague in The Netherlands. “Cabin air, knowingly polluted by highly toxic, thermally degraded substances, is in...
Night running was put back on the agenda last week as fitness fanatics led by extreme ultra athlete Brett Horton took to the streets of London to participate in the UK’s first street fitness community. BBC 1Xtra DJ Melody Kane joined runners on a party rickshaw decked out with full DJ kit as the participants hit three mini bootcamps staged in iconic locations. Pull up ropes strapped to the Millennium Bridge, circuits outside the Tate Modern and a full shake-out...
But tackling high blood pressure, obesity, smoking, drinking and air pollution could add as much as 4.3 years onto our lives
Researchers found that a father's nicotine use may cause cognitive deficits in his children and even grandchildren
The spring water with a concentrated extract drink of the Mediterranean herb available on the high street can boost memory and cognitive performance – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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