Mark Church is running 1000 miles for charity this it his story... October marks the start of my bid to run 1000 miles for charity, involving two iconic London cricket grounds: the Kia Oval and Lords. I’m doing it as a fundraiser in memory of my dad, Tony, who died last year. Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer out of the blue. He died six months later on 21 May 2017, leaving us shocked and reeling from the sheer speed...
By 2050 humankind will struggle to feed a population of roughly nine billion people without missing targets to curb climate change and save the rainforests, a report said.
They are also at four times more risk of using illegal supplements - and anabolic steroids
Ayan Ikra claimed that puffing on two joints a day allowed her to reach her target weight of 11 and a half stone in just over two years
The results from a pilot study revealed improvements in mood and motor symptoms, as well as reduced physiological indicators of stress
Experiments in human cells and mice found they prevent tumours migrating to the lungs and liver, preventing death.
Snacking on walnuts, peanuts, pecans or any other variety stave off obesity-related conditions like heart disease and diabetes too, say scientists.
Just an hour's screen time a day can make them prone to heightened levels of anxiety or depression
Some evidence exposure caused tumours in the brain and adrenal gland too. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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