Nearly 9 in 10 young people would tell friends & family they are ‘fine’ even if struggling with mental health problem

New research released by the mental health anti-stigma campaign, Time to Change, reveals that when asked, nearly nine in ten (88%) 16-24-year-olds would tell friends and family they are ‘fine’, even if struggling with a mental health problem, such as depression or anxiety. When asked why, responses suggest young people doubt whether those around them really want to hear the honest answer. The top concerns were: I don’t want to burden people (59%) Just because people ask how you are, doesn’t mean...

One family’s journey to teacher their deaf daughter to speak & listen

When Susan Rosenthal and her husband James' daughter Aimee’s was diagnosed deaf the family’s journey began to teach her to speak and listen, this is their story... When our baby daughter Aimee failed her newborn hearing screening test and we thought nothing of it. It was only at the follow up appointment six weeks later when we learned that she had a bilateral moderate to severe hearing loss that we felt that our word had crumbled. Since Aimee was such a...

After cancer treatment I was told I could never walk…but look at me now!

Following his bone marrow transplant for Leukaemia Duncan suffered an infection in his spine which resulted in total paralysis from the waist down (something that is unheard of in itself) - his neurologist told him she was unsure if I would ever walk again – however through his treatment of reflexology he got his feeling back and now can walk again, this is his story... At the end of 2012 I noticed I had been getting very tired easily and had bouts of nausea...

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