Trying to find something good in a bad situation is particularly effective the less money a person makes, suggests research
A mineral found in clay may stop people piling on the pounds even after gorging on burgers and chips or drinking too much beer.
And those who have long journeys or use busy stations are most vulnerable.
The electronic device designed to sit in the stomach for at least a month can also detect illnesses early relaying a diagnosis wirelessly
It uses radioactive drugs to light up rogue proteins in the brain that cause different forms of dementia - leading to earlier diagnosis
Brew rich in two chemicals that when combined destroy rogue proteins in the brain.
Babies born with a vitamin D deficiency had a 44 per cent increased risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia as adults compared to those with normal vitamin D levels
Rupert Green, 21, the son of Lord Nicholas Monson, hanged himself in the garden of his mother's Surrey home after suffering psychosis, an inquest heard
YouGov poll for The Poppy Factory indicates scale of challenge for those with mental health conditions, especially at Christmas. More than 4 in 5 (85 per cent) people in the UK think it would be difficult for someone living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to stay in paid work for 12 months or longer, new research shows. The poll of 2,098 UK adults was carried out by The Poppy Factory, based in Richmond-upon-Thames, which helps wounded, injured and sick veterans back... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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