Health secretary says diseases will resurface after UK loses measles-free status.
A study of almost 26,000 people found those who popped a daily capsule were much less likely to fall victim.
The study looked at a group of Puerto Rican women who eat lots of onions and garlic which are key ingredients in local foods including sofrito, a sauce, as well as stews, and rice dishes.
Researchers found that a single pill containing low doses of three medications to treat high blood pressure and one to lower cholesterol reduced the estimated risk of heart disease
Scientists say people with mild cognitive impairment have thinking and memory problems, but usually do not know it because such issues are not severe enough to affect their daily activities
Researchers discovered that being active for just 30 minutes four or five times a week can delay brain deterioration - especially for those at risk of the memory destroying illness.
The tiny particles, containing poisonous black carbon, are travelling to the placenta, after being breathed into the lungs
Prostate cancer occurs when cells in the prostate start to grow in an uncontrolled way.
James O'Brien, 44, was blinded in his right eye at the age of 18 after he was sprayed with ammonia by a teenager in a random traumatic attack – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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