Toxins spewed out by vehicles and factories destroys a protein that fuels hair, say scientists
A pill containing a compound that makes tomatoes red can DOUBLE the healthy sperm count in men, scientists have found. The supplement, called lactolycopene, can also boost the number of fast swimming sperm by around 50 per cent, they discovered. A 12-week trial by scientists at Sheffield University saw half of the 60 men involved taking the lactolycopene and the other half taking identical dummy pills. Sperm and blood samples analysed at the beginning and end of the trial showed...
Researchers who followed more 36,000 Japanese men for up to a quarter of a century found a link between eating mushrooms and a lower risk of prostate cancer
Researchers found found the drug could boost the response to chemotherapy in cancers that had become resistant.
Biotech entrepreneurs have a unique opportunity to change the world by developing cures for the diseases that plague humanity
It automatically screens a personal photos for 'white eye' which is a precursor of eye disorders including retinoblastoma.
The 'liquid biopsy' can be used to successfully identify complex DNA mutations in the cells of patients with advanced lung cancer.
People living within five kilometres of ‘blue spaces’ experienced fewer mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.
The number of patients whose tumours shrank was over four times higher compared to those receiving standard therapies. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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