Lung cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK and kills more than 35,000 people every year. The UK currently lags at the bottom of an international league table for five-year survival, with just 13 per cent of people with lung cancer still alive five years after diagnosis.
Aaron Calder ditched alcohol after he was rushed to hospital with a liver condition which caused him to vomit blood, but he did not get better for two years until he took up a plant-based diet after watching a Netflix documentary.
A study of 12 year olds found those who grew up around busy roads had less grey matter.
China is building a hospital dedicated to treating patients infected with coronavirus.
The study is the first to actually confirm pressure at home or work triggers greying - and show how it works. Many experts have debunked the idea as a myth.
It boosts a chemical that clears the brain of rogue proteins that cause memory loss and confusion.
The government said the move will help break down taboos surrounding menstruation and ensure pupils do not miss class due to their period.
At 50, the wealthiest men in England and the US lived around an extra 31 years in good health compared with around 22-23 years for the poorest.
British scientists discovered that the drug gliptus boots stem cells in the womb, the lack of which is a major cause of miscarriage. – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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