Young girl left unable to speak after tracheotomy now communicates via iPad 

A young girl who lost her voice after brain tumour surgery can now only communicate using her iPad - and SIRI. Millie Garbutt was left unable to speak after having a life-saving tracheotomy after doctors operated on a brain tumour. Now the 12-year-old has to communicate using the text-to-speech function on her tablet computer - that uses the same voice as Apple's 'virtual assistant' Siri. Mum Emma Garbutt said: "She has an iPad and another electronic device which attaches to...

Single Mum Becomes One Of The Youngest To Die From Asbestos Related Cancer – Aged 34

A young mum has become one of youngest to die of an asbestos-related disease at just 34 – but never found out how she contracted it. Tragic Kirsty List was told earlier this year she was unlikely to survive until Christmas but lost her brave battle last month, leaving five year-old daughter Aimee. The origins of her mesothelioma – a disease that more commonly affects older people – remains a mystery. She believed she may have got it either while...

Tips for coping with the emotional impact of cancer

Living with cancer can affect people in ways they didn’t expect and aren’t prepared for, and for many men, handling the emotional burden of the disease can be really hard. For many men, traditional roles and responsibilities like having a successful career, or providing for the family are important aspects of their identity – aspects a cancer diagnosis can take away either temporarily, or permanently. New research from Macmillan Cancer Support shows just how hard this can be, with one...

London photographer to the stars photographs young cancer patients for awareness campaign

London celebrity photographer Richard Young has photographed a group of young cancer survivors as part of an awareness campaign for a national cancer charity. Richard Young, who grew up in North London, made his name photographing the likes of Freddie Mercury, David Bowie, Joan Collins, Kate Moss, Angelina Jolie, Andy Warhol, Marvin Gaye, Mick Jagger and Stevie Wonder, to name just a few. The photography is part of a month-long awareness campaign from CLIC Sargent, the UK’s leading national cancer...

‘Cruel Irony’ – Young Cancer Doctor Has Died Of Same Super-Rare Cancer He Dedicated His Life To Curing

The death of a talented and dedicated young doctor has been described as a “cruel irony” after he was diagnosed with the same rare cancer he dedicated his life to trying to cure. Ed Showler was 28 and training to be a consultant haematologist when he was diagnosed with incurable clear cell sarcoma last September – like his own patients suffered from. He died on Sunday, June 11, having been admitted to Kent and Canterbury Hospital in his final days....

A new Commission on Dementia and Music can help change the way we care

Alexia Quin, the Director of Music as Therapy International, explains how an upcoming commission into dementia and music can help change the way we care for people living with the disease. Many people think of dementia as only a problem for the elderly, and that it is not something that should be worried about. But with around 850,000 people living with dementia in the UK today (and that number set to rise to over one million by 2025, according to...

Hayfever sufferers will be forced to stay indoors on 14 occasions this summer

One in four of Britain’s 18 million hayfever sufferers is ‘dreading’ the warmer months, it has emerged. Experts have already warned grass pollen levels are set to build up steadily during 2017, meaning a summer of sniffles and streaming eyes looms for those who suffer from the condition. Researchers who carried out a detailed study also found typically sufferers who work for a living take an average of 1.8 days off each year due to their reaction to the pollen...

One of UK’s most premature babies defied odds after being born at 22 WEEKS weighing just 1lb 4oz.

One of Britain’s most premature babies has defied the odds after surviving being born at 22 WEEKS weighing just 1lb 4oz. Little Austin Douglas weighed the same as half a bag of sugar when he arrived 18 weeks early on March 31. Doctors told parents Helen, 30 and Rhys, 25, there was very little chance their son would survive after he was born smaller than his mother’s palm. Austin’s skin was so thin his organs were visible and the holes...

Physiotherapist reveals best ways to rehydrate after sport

Properly rehydrating after sport is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of the body's recovery - namely because it can be such a chore. But a simple new tablet could have the solution. PHIZZ was founded in the UK by Daniel Cray, Rory Simmance-Freemantle and Jon Knight who all have a passion for living life to the full and needed a healthy solution to the pitfalls of pleasure-seeking 21st century lifestyles. Phizz scientifically helps you stay hydrated and healthy and...

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