How Ibogaine has Saved the Lives of Countless Addicts

 A pretty West African shrub, which has been the basis of ceremonial rituals and for medicinal purposes for hundreds of years has recently begun being used in mainstream medical treatments of drug addicts. Its name is Tabernanthe Iboga, and the barks of this plant’s roots are filled with an active alkaloid which is called ibogaine. Upon the western world’s discovery of this fascinating plant towards the end of the 1960s, the foundations for one of the most effective treatments for...

Stomach Cancer sufferer given 50% chance of survival is about to climb Mount Kilimanjaro

Two years ago Tom Leeburn, 37, from London was diagnosed with stomach cancer and given a 50% chance of living the next 5 years. He tells The London Economic about his upcoming brave adventure to climb the biggest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro, to raise money for a fantastic cancer charity. See bottom of post for a chance to donate. He has been in serious training and is ready to go on the 18th August. Well, I’m still here. So...

The Importance of Sleep

It used to be that sleep was seen as a sign of weakness. How many times have you heard something to the tune of, “I only got four hours last night and I feel fine!”. It was deemed a positive quality to be able to go without sleep for extended periods of time. But it turns out that this bravado is dangerous. Not only does sleep help us feel rested, it’s vitally important for our mental and physical wellbeing. While...

Eating late can lead to premature ageing and even skin cancer

Midnight snacks can cause wrinkles and even skin cancer, according to new research. Eating at the wrong time of day disrupts the body's internal clock, reducing protection against the sun. This is because it weakens the potency of a protein that blocks harmful ultraviolet radiation, explained scientists. The discovery follows research by the same team last month that found late meals help pile on the pounds. They have also been linked with an increased risk of breast cancer, heart disease...

Elderly people at risk of falling can now shout to Alexa for help

Elderly people are at the highest risk of falling, but now they can shout to Amazon's voice-activated service Alexa for help. It works by integrating with My SOS Family, a service which can turn any mobile phone into a personal alarm system for the vulnerable. And now it's become available on Amazon's Echo device, which triggers commands when the user activates it by saying the name 'Alexa'. This innovation has allowed anyone who suffers a fall to simply shout "Alexa, start...

Are pet owners making a dog’s dinner out of their feeding habits?

A new study has revealed that as many as four in ten dog owners are feeding their dogs leftovers which could be causing a health crisis for our nation's canines - with almost 30 percent of dog owners admit to substituting dog food with human meals entirely. Researchers found that the most popular offending meal to be consumed by dogs was beef roast dinner, with 39 percent of dog owners admitting to treating their dogs to this dish. Among the...

‘Exercise pill’ that boosts blood flow could revolutionise the lives of heart failure patients

An 'exercise pill' that boosts blood flow by mimicking the effects of going to the gym could revolutionise the lives of heart failure patients. The experimental drug strengthened the hearts of mice and rats with the condition - and scientists are hopeful the same will happen for humans. It's based on a protein called CT1( cardiotrophin 1) that tricks the heart into thinking it's being exercised by growing healthily and pumping more blood. This is just what happens during a...

British Dietetic Association confirms vegan diets can support healthy living for all ages

One of the UK’s longest-standing organisations that represents dietetics and nutrition has affirmed that a well-planned vegan diet can “support healthy living in people of all ages” in an official document signed by its CEO. The British Dietetic Association has renewed its memorandum of understanding with The Vegan Society to state that a balanced vegan diet can be enjoyed by children and adults, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The memorandum is building upon the existing working relationship between the BDA...

Southern rehab centres treat over half of those admitted for rising over the counter drug addiction

UK Addiction Treatment (UKAT) Centres recently released data which shows that admissions across their 6 UK-wide treatment centres for over the counter painkillers has risen by a staggering 22% since 2014, and that over half of those admitted are treated within its Southern centres. Their data shows that 62% of those admitted for Codeine or Benzodiazepine addiction were admitted to UKATs Southern Centres- Primrose Lodge, Sanctuary Lodge, Liberty House and Recovery Lighthouse. The remaining 38% were admitted to the Northern...

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