Hard water damages our protective skin barrier and could contribute to the development of eczema, a new study has shown. Researchers from the University of Sheffield and King’s College London have discovered that exposing the skin to hard water damages the skin barrier – which is our defence against outside threats such as bacteria or sun burn – and increases the sensitivity of the skin to potential irritants found in everyday wash products such as soap or washing powder. Hard...
A builder had a lucky escape after a razor sharp angle grinder flew into his face and lodged in his CHIN. Paul Thomas, 31, was trying to knock through a wall with a nine-inch angle grinder when it "ran up" the surface and hit him in the face. The tool missed his throat by a matter of inches and cut into his chin and Paul was left with blood pouring from the gaping wound. The tough builder said his colleagues...
“Is there any natural cure for my health problem?” This is the most common question I am asked by my patients. Over the past few decades, doctors, as well as patients, have realized the safety and effectiveness of natural ways in the management of diseases. That is why; there has been a huge shift in the way most disorders are treated. Velvet Beans, also known as Mucuna Pruriens is one such natural remedy that possesses strong medicinal powers. There are...
Survey reveals transformation of London childhoods in a digital world The number of young teenagers in London who play outside or get enough sleep has dropped sharply in comparison to teenagers from previous decades, a startling new survey from Barnardo’s reveals. The study found just over half (55 percent) of the capital’s 13 to 15-year-olds play outdoors compared to more than three quarters (77 per cent) of adults when they were the same age. And less than half (45 per...
Nick York tells his story of suffering with cancer to becoming a full time advocate at Leukaemia CARE September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM), a month dedicated to raising awareness of these relatively rare cancers and increasing the profile of issues faced by patients across the globe. This BCAM holds particular importance to me as I find myself reflecting on the journey that I have been on over the past eight years, from diagnosis to full-time patient advocate at Leukaemia CARE....
Join us this Prevention Week as we shine a spotlight on breast cancer prevention. 1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. 1 in 5 of them will be under the age of 50. We can do more to prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. Each year over 55,000 people are diagnosed. Sadly not all breast cancers are preventable. Yet around 1 in 4 breast...
Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by going on a low calorie diet, according to new research. A new study found that excess calories lead to a fatty liver, which causes the liver to produce too much glucose. The excess fat is then passed on to the pancreas, which causes the insulin-producing cells to fail and thus causing diabetes. The team from Newcastle University found that losing less than one gram of fat from the pancreas can re-start insulin production,...
A newlywed bride is lucky to be alive after she was bitten by a venomous spider on her HONEYMOON. Victoria Ross, 32, was just two weeks into her marriage with company manager Brian, 33, when she was nipped on the right leg by a tiny 1 cm-long violin spider on July 4 during her honeymoon to Jamaica. The account executive from Bingley, West Yorks, was left with an inflamed red raw leg covered in pus-filled boils so horrifying doctors were...
A 'human snake' teenager who sheds her skin every six weeks because of an ultra-rare condition is set to get life-improving treatment in Europe. Shalini Yadav, 16, needs to constantly smear her body with moisturiser and have a bath every hour to stop it from hardening and seizing up. But her family are so poor they couldn't afford any specialist treatment to ease her ailments, leaving her unable to walk without a stick or straighten her limbs. A 'human snake'...
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