
How to manage contact lenses in changing weather

Contact lenses in different weather can be quite challenging to adapt to. For instance, if you have allergies, you must avoid wearing contacts completely during flu season to prevent an infection from occurring. Due to your pre-existing allergies, you are already prone to red, itchy eyes and wearing lenses at this time can aggravate this situation.

As a general rule, avoid wearing lenses if your eyes are red or itchy.

During the winter:

  1. Wear sunglasses for UV protection and protect your eyes from wind. Even your eyes can get sunburnt which can cause blurry vision.
  2. Avoid heating vents and fireplaces. Indoor heating draws the moisture out of the air which can make your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable. You might want to get a cool-air humidifier to keep eyes moist.
  3. Also, keep rewetting drops handy during winter to prevent your eyes from drying out or over watering.
  4. Wear your lenses before you slather on moisturizer in winter. If you do the opposite, your contact lenses can have a residual film of moisturizer which can cause burning or irritation and blurred vision.
  5. Changing your contact as prescribed is even more crucial in the winter to better conduct oxygen and allow you to be comfortable.
  6. Wear your glasses from time to time. Contact lenses plus winter can dry your eyes out which can, in turn, cause a lot of discomfort.
  7. Get adequate sleep to prevent dryness and fatigue. This will help you get comfortable with your contacts in winter.

During the summer:

  1. Travel comfortably. Planning a summer trip can go awry if you don’t pack rewetting drops and backup glasses. Flying can cause your eyes to dehydrate rapidly. You can also carry daily disposables to prevent build-up if you are going to be travelling for hours.
  2. Protect your eyes from the sun. Summer sun can burn your eyes. Combine your sunglasses with lenses to prevent UV rays from burning your eyes. You can also wear a wide brim hat for added protection.
  3. Wear sunscreen after lenses. Insert your lenses in first and then apply sunscreen. Even then, you have to be very careful especially around the eyes.
  4. Don’t wear your lenses to the pool. Make sure you don’t dip your lenses in the pool as it can cause a serious infection. But if you can’t see at all, you can wear disposable lenses and a high quality swimming goggle to prevent any pool water from reaching your eyes. You can also purchase swimming goggles meant for contact lens wearers or ones that already have a built-in lens.
  5. If you are wearing colored contacts, it may look unnatural as you step out in the bright sun because the center of your pupils and the center of the lens will not be aligned given that pupils constrict in bright light. If you are looking for natural lenses, try Bella Sandy Brown. There are several Bella lenses colors to choose from if you have dark colored eyes and need an opaque tint.

Here are some general guidelines –

Lens Case:

  1. Always remember to throw out your lens case every 3 months.
  2. Wash your lens case every week with soapy water
  3. Do not expose the lens case to undue heat

Lens Solution:

  1. Buy new lens solution when needed.
  2. Do not mix old and new lens solution. It is not hygienic.
  3. Buy multi-purpose lens solution to save space while traveling.


  1. Do not switch lenses with someone else
  2. Do not wear lenses for over extended periods of time.
  3. Do not wear your lenses to sleep
  4. Clean your lenses religiously
Ollie McAninch

Ollie McAninch is a former public and private sector economist turned digital media pioneer. After working in the media for over a decade, he helped develop The London Economic to promote independent investigative journalism. When he isn't contributing articles, Ollie spends the bulk of his time looking after animals, pressing apples and planting trees.

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