
How you can help out during Breast Cancer awareness week 18-24th Sept

Join us this Prevention Week as we shine a spotlight on breast cancer prevention.

1 in 8 women in the UK will develop breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. 1 in 5 of them will be under the age of 50.

We can do more to prevent breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. Each year over 55,000 people are diagnosed.

Sadly not all breast cancers are preventable. Yet around 1 in 4 breast cancer cases are thought to be preventable.

Reducing breast cancer cases by 25% would mean 13,750 less people would be diagnosed with breast cancer every year.

Just think! 13,750 people, their partners, family and friends free of breast cancer.

How you can support Prevention Week?

Share one their our infographics or images on social media – choose from one of these

Display a poster at work, in your community centre or at your gym

Share our top tips leaflet and video with friends and family, help them reduce their risk.

Download our Manifesto for the prevention of breast cancer and share with your MP, ask them what are they doing to prevent breast cancer?

#PamperForPrevention or #WearItOrange for Prevention! Either way, look good and help raise money for breast cancer prevention.

Book a ‘Let’s prevent breast cancer’ talk, help people in your community or work learn how to reduce their risk.

Throughout the week they will also be featuring guest blogs here.

Don’t keep it a secret! Share our message with your friends, help them get informed, share the knowledge and help others reduce their risk.

Make sure you are following their social media accounts to stay up to date on their activities.

Twitter: @BreastCancer_UK

Facebook: breastcanceruk

Instagram: breastcanceruk


Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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