
Farage Riots trend as Reform UK kick off conference

‘Farage Riots’ is trending on social media as the Reform UK conference in Birmingham gets underway.

T-shirts reading “Nigel Farage for Prime Minister” were spotted at demonstrations in the summer, resulting in the ex-UKIPer lending his name to the pockets of uprisings that broke out across the country.

It seems like the name has stuck with ‘Farage Riots’ trending on X as Reform UK members gathered in the Midlands, much to the chagrin of the party’s leader.

Reform UK will begin its two-day conference with speeches from Farage, deputy leader Richard Tice, chairman Zia Yousuf and MPs Lee Anderson, Rupert Lowe and James McMurdock.

Mr Anderson, Reform’s chief whip, is expected to target significant gains at next year’s local elections and general election victory in 2029 in his conference address on Friday afternoon.

He will say: “We have five MPs and we are growing our membership and support every day. Next year we will win hundreds of council seats across the UK.

“We must take this fight to Parliament so we can take back control of our country and in 2029 win the general election.”

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