Categories: Family

Fun Games for the Family on Father’s Day

As Father’s Day is fast approaching, you as a parent should have activities and games you can play and have fun with the whole family on that special day. The truth is, it is impossible to turn family activities into fun games for your kids. Well, if you try out all or some of the following exclusive games, they will definitely give you the best memorable Father’s Day.

Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces

It’s a lot of fun putting pieces together to form something that makes sense. Solving jigsaw puzzles with your kids will help them develop cognitive skills, and at the end of the day still have fun. You should buy interesting pieces, and everyone can relate to.


This is one of the best games for dad to play with their kids. It is no doubt that all kids love to kick a ball. Encouraging them to kick and chase after the ball gives them a chance to develop motor skills such as timing, concentration, and balancing. All you need to play this game is a clear space and a ball to kick.

However, age is a big factor in this game. A child younger than two years still has a balancing issue, hence, will need your support. You can stand behind or let him or her lean against a wall.

On the other hand, children above two years are a bit stronger so you can make the game more challenging by putting up obstacles that he or she can navigate through with the ball.

Play Family Poker

You don’t need to be a professional poker player for you to get the best out of this game; just having the basic poker skills is enough. Various cards have beautiful labels you can buy. For instance, you could get cards with Harry Potter movie images at the back which will most likely attract your kids.

Explain to the kids the value of each card in the deck as you explain the rules of the game. You, of course, don’t want to bet any real money. Therefore, introduce something to play the part. It could be candy, chocolate chips, etc. When your kids understand the rules of poker games and can play confidently, they will be learning counting skills as well as some aspects of human behaviour like bluffing.

Board Games

Board games are a great way to spend time as a family. There is a multitude of board games you can choose from. Like the other games mentioned above, you will not only have fun playing board games, but you will also give your kids a learning experience.

Playing a board game requires everyone to understand the rules and keep up with what the other players are doing; thus, every participant must be very attentive. The little movements of the pieces will also nurture your kids’ motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Although Father’s Day may be your special day, you should also bring in the whole family into the fun as well. Pitch in some fun activities and games you can all play together, and you may end up having moments you could cherish better than if you spent the day alone. Visit The Works today and choose a game you can enjoy as a family on the upcoming Father’s Day.

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