
Adoption service welcomes adoption enquiries this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week

An adoption service is supporting the call for more lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to consider adoption this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week (5-11 March 2018).

Coram, which runs three dedicated adoption services in London, Cambridgeshire and the East Midlands, has supported LGBT people to adopt for many years.

Jeanne Kaniuk OBE, Managing Director of Adoption at Coram said: “We welcome enquiries from prospective adopters of all sexual identities, and what is most important is that they are able to make a commitment to a vulnerable child throughout their childhood and beyond.

“We guide people through the rewarding and life-changing process of becoming parents, and offer life-long support for all families who adopt with us. We’d encourage anyone interested in adoption this LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week to get in touch or come along to one of our free information events to find out more.”

Paul and Mark adopted their son through Coram in 2013. Paul said: “We went to an information event at Coram where they were very open and honest about the process of adoption, but also very reassuring about the level of support they could offer. Since adopting, we have attended Coram’s parenting course which was very helpful. Everyone was very supportive and it was so reassuring to know that other adoptive families were experiencing similar things.

“Our son is a cheeky six year old, very energetic, lively, and a real character with a brilliant sense of humour. He is generally a happy little boy and is aware of his life story. He has a strong attachment with us and really enjoys family life.”

UK network New Family Social runs LGBT Adoption & Fostering Week every March to encourage lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender prospective parents to find out more about the adoption and fostering processes. Find out more at

Please visit to find out more about Coram Adoption and its free adoption information events, and to read ‘five facts about LGBT adoption and fostering’.

Joe Mellor

Head of Content

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