
Ensuring Success: Essential Care Before and After Your Hair Transplant

Feeling confident in your body and skin is something we all deserve to enjoy, but it can often be affected by characteristics about ourselves that we may not necessarily be happy about. While to others it may seem like a small quirk or even trivial, to you it may be all that you see, and one common concern people have is excessive thinning of their hair or the onset of baldness. 

Thankfully, with the advancements of modern technology and medicines, this can be easily and quickly corrected so you can be the best version of yourself that you want to be. Hair transplants are changing the way many approach ageing but it is also a transformational experience that offers you an improved quality of life.

Finding the best in the business will change your life, so be sure to choose a reputable clinic, discuss your hair transplant cost with industry professionals, and let their expertise give you back your confidence through great-looking hair.

Preparation is key

For any project or transformation, it is no secret that a lot of the work is done before anything begins, and with hair transplant procedures it is no different. It is highly recommended to ensure a smooth experience and ultimately a quicker recovery with optimal results. The top key lifestyle changes you can begin to implement as soon as you have booked your appointment are;

Medications and supplements – Any medications or vitamin supplements which contain Ibuprofen or Aspirin should be stopped. These thin the blood (to prevent clots) but can cause the blood to flow excessively during the treatment. 

Boosting healing – Do begin taking a high dose (1000mg) of vitamin C up to 3 times a day. This will build up a strong immune defence system to aid during the healing process. 

1 week before – Alcohol and casual exercise should be stopped completely. The alcohol will aid in blood thinning which we don’t want, and no training supplements should be ingested. 

There is nothing like a good foundation to begin a treatment right, and with these simple implementations, you will be well on your way to a successful, and transformative procedure and living confidently like you always envisioned. 

The day your life is about to change

It is safe to say this will be an exciting time for you. On the morning of your treatment do not eat anything too greasy or heavy, and (this might be tough to hear) avoid caffeine which means walking past the coffee machine (I know, but it will be worth it). While the procedure is pretty straightforward from here on out now that you have been doing your pre-treatment prep, a few notes of surgery etiquette will take you a long way.

1. Do not take any reading material as you will most likely be in a reclined position and unable to hold the book or magazine.

2. Your phone should be off for the day unless being used for music or watching movies during the procedure, it is usually a full day’s work. 

3. Arrange a lift home with a family member or friend, pain is inevitable, and sedation medicines will prohibit you from driving. 

4. Wear button or zip-up clothing, nothing that needs removing over the head. Wear comfortable clothes as it will be a long day. 

Embracing the new you

When you open your eyes again it’ll be the new you. The procedure will have been completed, your new set of hair follicles will have been grafted and implanted, and soon you will be looking in the mirror at a great head of hair. But there is still work to be done post-treatment. 

Apply an ice pack over the eyebrows for 15 minutes every hour (not on the hair) to help with swelling as you recover.

Do not touch your hair and allow any scabs to fall off naturally and any sutures to dissolve on their own. 

Activity should be VERY minimal or you risk swelling, bleeding, and worse, loss of grafts. 

Avoid sunlight and alcohol for at least a month. 

At the end of the day, the work you put in will reflect on how successfully, quickly, and seamlessly the whole process unfolds, and the benefits will far outweigh any discomfort you may be feeling. Follow these simple tips and your doctor’s advice and you will be confidently making your mark when you next enter a room. Here’s to a full head of hair! 

Ben Williams

Ben is a freelance writer and journalist who is a regular contributor on multiple national news websites and blogs.

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