
MobiePay Evolves into Mobie Network, Launches Tokenized Community

The growth of the digital currencies sector has meant that more people are holding crypto as a means of legal tender and more merchants are becoming open to accepting cryptocurrency for this reason. Along with this increase in crypto payment interest has come the need for platforms and services that facilitate these payments. 

Thankfully, the market has responded to these needs and services like MobiePay have sprung up that allow for these payments to take place. As they have entered the market, they have typically seen a positive consumer reaction that has led to even more services popping up.

MobiePay Evolves

This positive response and the springing up of new products is why MobiePay has announced a rebrand. Moving forward, the company will be known as Mobie Network. The previous name, MobiePay, had referred to the initial service of providing payment processing for customers and the new name will encapsulate a broader range of services. 

These services will include other on-chain and off-chain products, as well as a number of technologies. All aspects of the Mobie ecosystem will be available under the Mobie Network hub, including Mobie Bridge, MobieSwap, staking, and the rewards aspect of Mobie. 

All social media handles for MobiePay will be adjusted to reflect this new change in branding and along with this, Mobie Network is also launching its tokenized community. The goal of the tokenized community is to help users gain even more rewards from using Mobie and this will be done using a tiered membership Discord channel. 

The Tokenized Community

In order to join Mobie’s tokenized community, users must hold a certain amount of wMBX tokens in their Metamask wallet depending on the tier they wish to join. Then, they will need to join Mobie’s Discord server and get verified by the Collab.Land bot.

There are three tiers of membership for the community- gold, silver, and bronze. To maintain this membership, users are encouraged to interact with others and post a comment on the channel at least once a month and at the end of each month, the top questions and comments will be highlighted and rewarded. 

Each membership tier has its own unique requirements in terms of tokens as well as unique features for those who hold them. For bronze membership, users must hold at least 75,000 wMBX in their MetaMask wallet and this membership tier entitles them to early access to Mobie roadmap updates, swag deals, and the chance to participate in Mobie’s Bounty program. 

To hold a silver membership, Mobie users need to have at least 200,000 wMBX in the MetaMask wallet and have to join and participate in Mobie’s dedicated user channel. When they do this, they instantly have access to Mobie’s bounty program through which they can earn even more wMBX tokens. They can also send in questions three days before Mobie’s monthly AMA session and enjoy voting privileges. 

Those who want gold membership, need to have at least 500,000 wMBX in their MetaMask wallet and must join the community channel. When they do, they enjoy all the benefits that silver members do and also access C-level executives, corporate initiatives, and roadmap updates. They also get voting privileges and access to swag discounts. 

Gold members also have the opportunity to become Mobie ambassadors which lets them vote on things concerning the community and enjoy a quarterly facetime meeting with executives to discuss the trajectory of Mobie as a whole. 

The Creation of Payment Universes

While platforms like Mobie were initially created to facilitate crypto payments, it is clear that the market is bigger than just this and thus, platforms like Mobie are expanding to tap into other segments of the market. 

There is also a greater emphasis on community, as seen with Mobie’s community channels and membership tiers. Moving forward, not only will more payment platforms for crypto launch but they will not be limited only to facilitating payments. 

Instead, they will be able to fully tap into the capabilities of the crypto industry and this will lead to immense benefits for the company, more robust features for the customers, and an overall better crypto ecosystem.

Mobie is launching their mobile payments app in the App store on iOS this Wednesday November 3rd to the waitlist and is expecting to roll out their crypto and fiat payments app to the US ahead of the Q4 holiday shopping season! 

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