
E-cigarettes Are No Longer Better Alternatives to Smoking: How Tobacco-Free Dip May Be the Answer to Vaping Crisis

Since the beginning of e-cigarettes and vaping, both alternatives have been marketed as cessation aids for leaving cigarettes behind for good. While neither contains any tobacco, they do still contain nicotine, which is the addictive chemical found in cigarettes that keeps smokers hooked. After years of vaping and using e-cigarettes, smokers began to run into some issues; mainly that vaping and e-cigs really weren’t that far off from smoking cigarettes, and even had some detrimental effects on health.

Recent studies have shown that vape juices can contain harmful chemicals, including one chemical called diethylene glycol, which is found in antifreeze. While vape juices may not contain over 7,000 chemicals as cigarettes do, that doesn’t mean there are no harmful chemicals present that could present medical risks. Additionally, it’s been found that smokers who use these products to quit actually weren’t more successful in their efforts, and some even developed a new addiction to their vape juice.

Options for smokers are becoming slim as more information comes about regarding these “alternatives”. Tobacco-free dip is a newer alternative to cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and vaping/e-cigs that may offer a viable solution. With no tobacco, users aren’t exposed to the harmful pesticides and fertilizers sprayed on tobacco plants, and the look, feel, and taste is so close to the original that it perfectly mimics the dipping habit.

Vaping and E-Cigs: A Fraud?

Vaping has always been marketed as an alternative to cigarettes that can help you leave behind the habit of smoking once and for all. Smokers all over the world have flocked to vape and e-cig stores looking for the next best thing to smoking, but instead, what they found was a product that left them just as addicted and presented significant health risks.

E-cigs and vapes still force chemicals and toxins into the lungs via inhalation. The lungs are designed to accept oxygen and other naturally-occurring gasses, and when they’re introduced to man-made chemicals, there are almost always side-effects. Younger vape users are especially at risk, as their bodies are still developing. Not to mention, using e-cigs, vapes, or smoking cigarettes increases the likelihood of a COVID-19 diagnosis and the likelihood of developing serious complications from the virus.

These products also contain nicotine, so you’re essentially trading one addiction for another. Vape products can get you addicted just as easily as cigarettes, and teen users are more likely to end up addicted due to the presence of vaping in popular culture. You’ve seen the signs, ads, and banners; vaping is everywhere these days.

There’s a common misconception that vaping is “healthier” or “better” than smoking cigarettes. In fact, the industry thrives on this misconception, though they can’t advertise their products as being safer or healthier. The bottom line? Vaping and e-cigs are just as addictive, still cause health problems, and are in no way healthier or safer than cigarettes.

What Is Black Buffalo?

Through the chatter of “alternative” products and cessation aids rises one distinguishable voice. Black Buffalo is a company that prides itself on quality tobacco alternatives and delivers in style. E-cigs and vaping promised viable alternatives to smoking, and instead, they delivered a myriad of new health concerns and a price tag that shames even a heavy smoking habit.

Black Buffalo’s tobacco-free chew is as close to the real thing as you can get. The taste, texture, smell, and tradition remains intact, with new flavors like Blood Orange and classic flavors like Wintergreen. The founders of Black Buffalo spent years studying the style, feel, and tradition of chewing tobacco to create something that even a veteran dipper couldn’t tell apart from real tobacco.

With no tobacco, users can leave behind the concern for carcinogens that give cigarettes their cancer-causing properties. The dip does still contain medical-grade nicotine, but it’s of a higher quality and well-balanced with the other ingredients for maximum effect.

Why Is Black Buffalo The Answer To The Vaping Crisis?

Vaping failed to deliver on its promise to provide a viable alternative to cigarettes. Users find themselves addicted to vape juices, inhaling harmful chemicals, and exposing themselves to the risks of conditions like COVID-19.

Black Buffalo picks up where the vape industry left off with the promise of a viable alternative that combines years of tradition with modern practices. Chewing non-tobacco dip imitates the habit of regular tobacco use, helps make quitting a real possibility, and makes the user feel less isolated. Because let’s be honest; smoking is nothing but a public health hazard, and the harmful effects of tobacco use are well-known.

You want a company that offers good products and a commitment to the future. By filing a PTMA with the FDA, Black Buffalo has ensured its dedication to both quality and compliance.

The Future Is Tobaccoless

In the wake of COVID-19, millions of smokers have already left behind cigarettes for good, and thousands more are looking for an alternative that leaves tradition intact with a more modern approach to the cessation process. Black Buffalo is taking aim at tobacco use with edible, organic leaves that mimic the taste, feel, and smell of the real thing. Keep the ritual. Ditch the tobacco.

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