
Angry cat watching PM on Question Time ‘represents entire electorate’

A video of a cat watching the prime minister on Question Time has been making the rounds on social media – with people saying the pets antics represent the feelings of the entire country.

Rishi Sunak was met with shouts of “shame” on a broadcast on Thursday (20/6) evening after he said he would prioritise the UK’s security over the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

As the Prime Minister took part in a BBC Question Time election special, audience members pressed him about the UK’s commitment to the international agreement.

The convention is enshrined in UK law, with references to human rights law used in recent immigration cases to successfully halt deportation attempts.

Asked whether he was prepared to leave the convention in order to meet his migration promises, the Prime Minister said: “I believe everything we are doing is compliant with our international obligations.”

Calls of “shame on you” could still be heard during the programme’s closing credits, and judging by this clip, it isn’t just humans who are outraged by the PM’s remarks!

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