Categories: FashionHomeLifestyle

A new way of shopping – let the shop choose for you!

I’ve just had my personality profiled by a… furniture store. have come up with a fun and fantastic tool that tells you what type of furniture and decor matches your personality. 

They’ve teamed up with Applied Colour & Design Psychology Expert Karen Haller to help you find the interior design style that matches your personality.  If you already have good taste (which you probably do, if you are looking at pieces on, then trust in the quick test and receive some insightful inspiration. 

After answering the short questionnaire it turns out I have a ‘playful’ style.  I can only agree when I see the moodboard that has been individually composed for me.  The products are so beautiful, and the Alana mirror has somehow (through furious clicking) ended up in my basket before I’ve even finished reading my profile results.

According to my personalised results, my style is fun, light-hearted and whimsical – and when presented with the products to support these claims I couldn’t agree more.  After reading my profile and feeling pretty inspired I click through the website, and although feeling suitably ‘whimsical’ I am still a mum of four, so head straight to the clearance tab to see if any of the design features I am apparently drawn to appear. They do, everywhere.  And the bits are beautiful. 

I soon end up with blindness and its only when I check the basket I see I’ve added a copper bike to the ever-growing list of items. I realise I have a problem; I don’t even cycle. But, it’s stunning and copper. I must have it or maybe I can pass this off as a great Fathers Day gift?

Now I am fortunate to work in a very modern and sleek office with numerous products strewn around; a gorgeous sofa, artwork, lighting etc. But I must admit I had no idea, until taking the quiz, that they also sell the most gorgeous accessories.  Now an awesome backpack has also wound up in my basket along with the most stunning green raincoat. This is completely justifiable because according to the results of the quiz I am inspired by green. It is a calming colour so obviously if I buy this coat I will ultimately be a better, calmer person. After the copper bike, this might be a hard sell to my husband. has always been on my radar as a furniture provider, popping up in the glossy home magazines, but after taking the quiz and having a proper mooch around the website it is so much more than competitive furniture provider. You’ll see colour, style, and space saving ideas that can really work for you and it doesn’t just look good in the magazines, it looks great on you and in your home.

If you want to wile away a couple of minutes with a hot brew just answer the 11 quiz questions to get some fantastic inspiration for your home and for yourself (it isn’t just furniture you know).  However with such an extensive list of items the quiz will definitely be the shortest part of your shopping experience.

Sarah Smith

Sarah is a writer and guest blogger. Her work is regularly published in the national press and on many popular websites and blogs, including Huff Post and TheLondonEconomic.

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