
Job seekers have ‘two-week window of opportunity’ to land a new role for the New Year

Job seekers have been given a two-week window of opportunity to get their CVs out there if they want to land a role in time for the New Year.

In order to start on Wednesday 3rd January, the first day back at work after seeing in the New Year, applicants need to get the ball rolling sooner rather than later.

Data from recruiter Michael Page shows, on average, it takes 33 days from a candidate’s first application to signing on the dotted line, and adding a one-month notice period, meaning the prime time to apply for a January start is during the next fortnight.

Job seekers may want to take note of these timings, as a study of 5,000 UK workers revealed almost a quarter (22 per cent) want to kickstart 2024 with a new job.

Of these, 40 per cent say they are waiting until the New Year to apply for a new role.

But applicants holding off until January could miss out as more than half (51 per cent) of those involved in hiring say they want to get the ball rolling in the Autumn so that their new recruits can ‘hit the ground running’ in the New Year.

Doug Rode, Managing Director UK&I at Michael Page, part of FTSE 250 PageGroup, said: “We know that people like to make New Year’s resolutions and January feels like the natural time to make a big change.

“But this data shows that when it comes to landing your dream new job, it can actually be advantageous to get ahead of the game.

“In fact, smart businesses will be thinking about hiring now so that new starters can kick off in January in order to get maximum impact for the new year.

“That means that the savviest hiring managers are likely to be locking down their new recruits now.

“Taking control of your career and applying before the end of the year could make all the difference to your job search, with other job seekers missing out on great opportunities by waiting until 2024 begins.”

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Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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