Food and Drink

The Lock Inn opens in Camden

What do you think of when you think of Camden and particularly Camden market. Ok, forget tie-dyes. What’s the second thing you think of? Yes, that’s right. A proper boozer with great music, perfectly poured pints and expertly mixed cocktails till late. And with a roof terrace so that I can smoke. And hey presto one comes along: Lock Inn Camden. Located on Jamestown Road, just a stone’s throw away from Camden Lock, the pub – complete with roof terrace – offers a relaxing atmosphere by day and then at night transitions into a late-night party with vinyl DJs spinning tunes all night long. Put it this way, I was at the opening party. I don’t remember much about the opening party.

The pub has a great feel, with some old school prints and furniture that looks like it was sourced from a house clearance specialist on Pentonville Road. So far, so Camden. Its also got a decent amount of space and the rooftop bar is a properly serious spot now that the weather has finally tuned decent. They have also invested in a state-of-the-art sound system and vinyl DJs spinning records from across the decades, which I suspect will lead to a lively late-night party scene from Thursday through Saturday.

When it comes to food, the Lock Inn Camden is taking no risks in straying from classic music pub fare, but everything I tasted was pretty damn good, from classic pub dishes such through to contemporary small plates. As well as a wide selection of artisan pizzas, big plates include North Atlantic craft ale IPA beer battered fish with chunky chips and chicken shish with pilaf rice.  Organic popcorn chicken, tomato, basil & Manchego croquettes are perfect for snacking, with the fiery holy f**k chicken wings with a blue cheese dip are spot on for fans of the wing.

Not to miss out on being both the cause of and cure to your hangover, they offer a Sunday roast with 28-day hung Dexter sirloin beef or free-range chicken, served with a homemade Yorkshire pudding, seasonal veggies and lashings of gravy. You cannot get too much gravy imho. Second best hangover cure of all time after the classic diet coke and mars bar combo (trust me).

The pub also offers its own-brewed craft lager and handmade spirits, including Apricot Brandy, Blueberry & Maple Bourbon, and Marmite Vodka and they have some bespoke cocktails such as the Tiki-Tango – mango vodka, cherry rum, pineapple and lime juice topped with lemongrass syrup and ginger ale – and The Tempest – wild berry pink gin, black raspberry liqueur, raspberry and blackberry fruit, lime, and mint – to add interest to the drink menu.

So what to say, good food, great music, excellent booze, great location and somewhere to smoke. Why did no-one think of this before? Let’s party like it 1997 all over again.

Lock Inn Camden, 2 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY – – @lockinncamden

Opening hours: Sunday – Thursday 12:00 – 00:00, Friday – Saturday 12:00 – 1:30

David Sefton

I was originally a barrister then worked as lawyer across the world, before starting my own private equity firm. I have been and continue to act as a director of public and private firms, as well as being involved in political organisations and publishers.

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