Food and Drink

Solar-powered barbecue cooks food using mirrors

The world’s first solar-powered barbecue has been invented which cooks food using MIRRORS.

The SolSource Sport stove heats up using energy from the sun to grill or boil food.

The cutting edge design cooks a meal in just ten minutes and heats up fives times faster than a charcoal grill.

But it doesn’t need to be sunny to use the barbecue as it gathers its energy from UV rays – making it the perfect for rainy British summers.

Dr Catlin Powers, founder and CEO of One Earth Designs, who came up with the design, said: “SolSource Sport is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who need to travel light and for families who want to cook with the sun in small places or on-the-go.”

The revolutionary product has been tested “on a hill, in a valley the, and at the quayside” – proving users can cook “anywhere under the sun”.

The satellite-like design encompasses a dome of mirrors which can be pointed at the sun to take its energy.

These reflect to bounce the energy back to heat up the grill, which produces zero emissions – miminising the damage to the environment caused by traditional barbecues.

The design, which is made from 100 per cent recyclable materials, weighs only 4.5 kilograms and fits into a two-foot carrying case.

The eco-friendly device fits into a two-foot carrying case, weighs only 4.5 kilograms (10 pounds), and cooks a meal in just 10 minutes.

The brains behind the solar grill state that “every year, over 100,000 wildfires occur in the US alone” and say they are launching the SolSource Sport to “eradicate ecological damage from camp fires”.

The incredible sun-powered device is currently for sale on Kickstarter – with ‘early birds’ being able to get it for $149 (approx £115).

It will then retail for $249 (approx £192).

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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