Categories: Food and Drink

New vegan pie class introduced for 2019 British Pie Awards

A new vegan pie class has been introduced to the British Pie Awards ahead of the 2019 event prompting speculation that this year could be the first time ever that a vegan pie reigns Supreme Champion.

The world-famous Awards, now in their 11th year, are to be held on Friday 8th March 2019 in the pork pie capital of Melton Mowbray, with judging taking place on Wednesday 6th March.

This year sees the introduction of three all-new elements, including a Vegan Pie Class, Special annual themed Fish & Chip Shop Pie Class and the Best Young Piemaker Award.

Each year, the British Pie Awards presents a Small Producer Award, recognising grass-roots piemakers creating outstanding pies across the UK. 2019 will see the introduction of the inaugural Best Young Piemaker Award, a category that celebrates the talent of promising young bakers.

The Awards, hosted during British Pie Week (4th-10th March 2019), celebrates the nation’s love of pies – a British culinary institution. Hot or cold, sweet or savoury, Brits eat around £1 billion-worth of them every year.

The 2018 instalment saw an astounding 962 pies entered from a record-breaking 185 talented bakers, butchers and chefs.

There are only a few simple rules that must be adhered to: all pies are to be totally encased in pastry, so they must have a closed top, and must be baked. They must also fit into one of the 23 pre-assigned classes. All entries must be commercially available in the UK.

Matthew O’Callaghan, Chairman of the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association and host of the British PieAwards said: “Over the past 11 years we’ve judged over 8,000 pies, with the help of around 150 pie connoisseurs and culinary experts. Each pie is judged on presentation, consistency and, of course, flavour – it’s a very serious, albeit delicious, undertaking!

“Every year we’re blown away by the creativity and quality that goes into reinventing, or perfecting, a national favourite. With the new Vegan Pie Class and Fish & Chip Shop Class, we expect this year will be equally exciting, if not more so.”

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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