Food and Drink

Iron Brew sour beer trio set to launch in 100 bars across the UK

AN Edinburgh brewery has paid tribute to an iconic Scottish drink, launching a triple tipple of Iron Brew sour beers. 

Edinburgh-based brewer Vault City is bringing back its popular Iron Brew beer as well as two new creations: Iron Brew Float and Fiery Ginger Iron Brew. 

It’s hoped the novelty beers which have proven incredibly popular in recent years will help pull punters into bars during Dry January. This  year, the beers will launch in more bars than ever before, with 100 across the UK set to stock the orange brew. 

Beer connoisseurs can also turn their Blue Mondays orange from the comfort of their own homes, with online orders launching today.  

Iron Brew 440ml – £3.50

Iron Brew Float 440ml – £5.40

Iron Brew Fiery Ginger 440ml – £5.80

Vault City co-founder Steven Smith-Hay says he’s confident that the new release will go down a treat – last year it sold out in less than 24 hours. 

Steven, who refused to comment on whether the new recipe contains girders, said: “We know products like this – beloved, filled with nostalgia and a bit of novelty – can help bars during those difficult months between Dry January and restrictions where people aren’t buying lots of beer.

“Our take on the ‘nation’s favourite soft drink’, is packed with pride and iron-y goodness in every sip – it’s the perfect drink with Burns Night just around the corner (25 January).

“Every Scot loves a can of the orange stuff; the bold colour and unique flavour evoke a sense of national pride that’s otherwise only found when talking about Scottish tap water. 

“This beer trio pays homage to one of Scotland’s great loves and two of Scotland’s greatest exports – an iconic ginger drink and an iconic ginger hair colour. What could be better than toasting the haggis drinks like these?”

It’s anticipated that the two new flavours will follow in Iron Brew’s footsteps, becoming firm favourites for beer drinkers. 

The Brew Float is a boozy twist on the iconic Scottish Dessert,  which traditionally features a dollop of soft vanilla ice cream dropped into a fresh glass of fizzy Iron Brew.

While Fiery Ginger Iron Brew is a fiery but refreshing take on ginger beer, boasting subtle spice and the not-so-subtle Scottish flavour.

Each can features a limited edition vintage design ironically drawing inspiration from stereotypical  Scottish tropes:  red-headed characters ironing their kilts and  facing off against Highland cows. 

Vault City – the first brewery to switch to a four-day work week –  is  known for its nostalgia infused creations, including beers inspired by Toxic Waste sweets, Wagon Wheel biscuits, neapolitan scoop ice cream and grape soda. 

Its beers  are designed to make sour beer more accessible, with its Triple Fruited Mango Sour Beer among the beers stocked in more than 700 supermarkets across the UK. 

Related: Change is brewing: How one business saved 50,000 beers from being wasted in just one year

Jack Peat

Jack is a business and economics journalist and the founder of The London Economic (TLE). He has contributed articles to VICE, Huffington Post and Independent and is a published author. Jack read History at the University of Wales, Bangor and has a Masters in Journalism from the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

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