Making Noise Quietly is an exploration of three conversations in three distinct eras of the twentieth century, all related to those feeling the impact of wars being fought far away in time or space.
One of the most important war films of the 21st century.
Device holder in the form of iconic video game character
Interestingly most that make the top 10 are based on British writers and are often co US -UK productions.
★★★☆☆ Midsommar is writer/director Ari Aster’s follow up to his debut smash hit, Hereditary. Hereditary focused on family life and the horrors that begin at home with guilt and resentment boiling over, descending into a grisly nightmare. Here with Midsommar, Aster serves up a similar affair but instead of a family unit, Midsommar is break up movie wrapped up in pagan horror. The movie clearly shows that Aster is more than a one-hit wonder but there is a little more...
The 1997 copy of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was one of just 500 printed
★★★★☆ Rarely has a nation been depicted with as much horror as the civil war torn Ukraine of director Sergei Loznista’s Donbass. The film is built around thirteen loosely connected vignettes that explore the mid-2010s conflict between Ukraine and the Russian backed Donetsk People’s Republic. The result is a chaotic and darkly comic look at governmental corruption, media manipulation, and the military-run state. The scenes focus on the conflict zone and how different sectors of society intersect with it. Displaced citizens... – Open, accessible and accountable news, sport, culture and lifestyle.
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