A Friday treat: Enjoy these two minutes of teasing from Studio Canal with this glorious trailer of Justin Kurzel's upcoming adaptation of Macbeth. Powerhouses Fassbender and Cotillard star as the power-hungry couple. Out October 2nd. Cannot wait. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgH_OnrYlCk&feature=youtu.be
Very much anticipating Pecadillo Picture's latest with the upcoming release of shorts collection Boys on Film 13: Trick & Treat. Featuring ten new, award winning shorts that explore relationships, dark desires and hidden secrets. Yes, please! Out on DVD and On-Demand July 13th. To WIN a DVD copy of the collection enter our Twitter competition here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLX5ilWDF-k&feature=youtu.be
By Adam Clark @AdamClarkers Jurassic World flips from nought to preposterous far too quickly and in doing so leaves behind any of the thoughtfulness of the original Jurassic Park. There might be an argument for allowing the film to stand on its own two feet except for the fact that the film itself is so desperate to crowbar in as many callbacks as possible. Rather than reboot the series, it’s set up as a sequel in the near future. Jurassic...
By Emma Silverthorn @HouseOf_Gazelle Everyone's Going To Die: an unusual name for an aptly unusual film. The debut film of intriguing British Director Collective Jones EGTD is an offbeat "romantic comedy", the words rom-com being said in VERY large inverted commas. This is genre-bending stuff, no simple heart-warming, or syrupy endings here. The rom-com element is reminiscent of Lost in Translation in that the romance is all about what does not, or has not yet happened. The moments before, the...
Interviewed by Emma Silverthorn @HouseOf_Gazelle As a massive fan of Desiree Akhavan, 'multi-hyphenated' writer-director-actor of this years wonderful indie-flick Appropriate Behaviour, I had to dose myself up with calming herbal pills (rhodiola rosea) and rub some lavender oil into my wrists before our interview yesterday. Thankfully Desiree was as gracious, lovely and as cool a presence as one could hope for within the articificial context of a phone interview. Aware that Desiree has been doing a lot of interviews recently,...
By Leslie Byron Pitt @Afrofilmviewer After a more than favourable year at Cannes and the Academy Awards, Wild Tales finally lands itself on Home Release for members of the great unwashed like myself. While the likes of Mark Kermode and Peter Bradshaw have kind words with this vengeful, dark comedy. I found despite some laughs along the way, my enjoyment of the Wild Tales to be wildly inconsistent. The set-up is an intriguing one. An anthology of six twisted tales...
“Stay low, keep your face hidden, and remember: you are Rebel X,” our masked military leader barks at us, as we dash full pelt through the winding tunnels of a mysterious army base. Not your usual Thursday afternoon in central London. This is not a covert military mission, but Secret Cinema’s latest, and possibly greatest, offering - Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Here at TLE we’re not ones for spoilers, but given a price tag that would uncurl Princess...
By Miranda Schiller @mirandadadada What would happen if a middle-class woman in London were pregnant with the second coming of Jesus via immaculate conception? If Debbie Tucker Green's The Second Coming is to be believed, nothing much. There'd be an argument with the husband, a best friend worrying about her mental condition, and the woman in question refusing to talk to anyone about it. A synopsis, in most cases, does not tell you the whole story of the film, it...
Two days to go until your life is once again completely taken over by Orange is the New Black! Alex is back being a badass, Piper's power grows and a 'genetically perfect' newbie will be joining the ladies of Litchfield pen. Season three out on Netflix June 12th. Cannot wait. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbdfrd5JS-A&feature=youtu.be
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